Basic Policy and Approach
We have established the “Basic Policy on Disaster Prevention, Health and Safety” listed below based on the feedback from our employees and labor union with a goal to protect the health and safety of our employees, maintain a safe and pleasant workplace environment they can thrive in, and ensure smooth business operations. In addition, we have strived to obtain ISO45001 certification, an international standard for occupational health and safety management systems, at all major sites. Each employee plays an important role in maintaining a safe and healthy workplace and taking proactive measures to prevent disasters or the recurrence of accidents, in accordance with our “Code of Conduct.”
Basic Policy on Disaster Prevention, Health and Safety
- We protect the health and safety of employees and create a safe and pleasant workplace environment in which they can fully demonstrate their talents and abilities.
- To realize “safe and stable operations” and fulfill “our responsibility to supply to our customers,” which constitute our duty as a manufacturer, all employees participate in health and safety initiatives and continuously implement the plan-do-check-act (PDCA) cycle for our health and safety policies
- We promote true safety enhancement by observing laws and regulations related to occupational health and safety, by implementing educational opportunities, by enhancing public awareness, and by carrying out risk assessment.
(Basic Health and Safety Regulations, Article 7)
Renesas Global Code of Conduct
(32. Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS))
Renesas is also committed to providing a safe workplace for employees, customers, vendors, contractors, and others on Renesas property. We comply with the safety laws, standards, and guidelines that apply to our business. Sound safety practices are important in all of our workplaces.
To protect our employees, the public, and our communities, we do not conduct any activity without the proper safety precautions, and we do not produce any product without the proper safeguards. We believe workplace injuries and illnesses are preventable. We communicate our expectations and safety protocols to employees and suppliers and explain the potential health and safety risks and implications of not following these requirements.
(Excerpt from Code of Conduct)
ISO45001 Certified Sites
All of our major manufacturing sites have ISO45001 certification, an international standard for occupational health and safety (OH&S) management systems.
As we increase our efforts to improve our occupational health and safety management systems, we set goals, action plans, and priorities for each site and use the P-D-C-A (Plan, Do, Check, Action) cycle to achieve our goals. In addition to renewal audits, we also conduct internal audits once a year through mutual evaluations at each site in order to confirm whether efforts related to our occupational health and safety management systems are being carried out correctly and make changes as appropriate.
Company name | Auditing body | Registration number | Expiration date | Registration certificate | |
Renesas Electronics Corporation | Musashi Site | JISHA | JISHA-O-109 | 2026/12 | |
Yonezawa Factory | JISHA | JISHA-O-93 | 2025/12 | ||
Oita Factory | JISHA | JISHA-O-95 | 2026/1 | ||
Nishiki Factory | JISHA | JISHA-O-94 | 2026/1 | ||
Renesas Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. | Naka Factory | JISHA | JISHA-O-92 | 2025/12 | |
Takasaki Factory | JISHA | JISHA-O-89 | 2025/12 | ||
Saijo Factory | JISHA | JISHA-O-88 | 2025/12 | ||
Kawashiri Factory | JISHA | JISHA-O-91 | 2025/12 | ||
Renesas Electronics America Inc. | San Jose Campus | DQS | 10002500 OHS18 | 2027/1 | |
Renesas Design Vietnam Co., Ltd. | DQS | 50650314 OHS18 | 2026/11 | ||
Renesas Semiconductor (Beijing) Co., Ltd. | CCCI | U006624S0006R1M | 2026/12 | ||
Renesas Semiconductor (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. | CCCI | U006623S0140R0M | 2026/10 | ||
Renesas Semiconductor (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. | SIRIM | OHS 00102 | 2027/8 | ||
Renesas Semiconductor (Kedah) Sdn. Bhd. | |||||
Renesas Semiconductor Technology (M) Sdn. Bhd.* | |||||
Renesas Semiconductor KL Sdn. Bhd. | SIRIM | OHS 00944 | 2026/11 | ||
Renesas Electronics (Penang) Sdn. Bhd. | DQS | 10004471 OHS18 | 2026/9 |
* Located in the same place as Renesas Semiconductor (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.
Agreement with the Labor Union
Renesas entered into a labor agreement that contains the following provisions regarding “health and safety.”
Agreement regarding “health and safety” at Renesas Electronics Corporation
(From “Labor Agreement,” Chapter 7)
Article 94: Health and Safety
- The Company shall take necessary measures for health and safety in the workplace.
- The Company shall establish a Safety and Health Committee for each place of business to achieve the purpose described in the preceding Paragraph and as necessary, install facilities, lend protective equipment and employ a physician.
- Union members shall observe the necessary matters provided for by the Company to prevent harm and accidents and ensure health.
- The Union may express opinions to the Company regarding health and safety.
Article 95: Safety and Health Committee
- The Safety and Health Committee described in Paragraph 2 of the preceding Article shall consist of the chairperson designated by the head of the place of business and the committee members appointed by the head of the place of business.
Article 96: Education and Training for Health and Safety
- The Company shall provide the Union members with the necessary education and training for health and safety for the prevention of harm and accidents and the promotion of health maintenance.
Article 97: Medical Examination
- The Company shall provide medical examinations for Union members once or more per year.
Group-wide Activities
In order to “preserve the health and safety of employees and create a safe and pleasant workplace environment in which they can fully demonstrate their talents and abilities,” we conduct various activities related to occupational health and safety for employees in collaboration with the department in charge of health and safety under CHRO’s supervision. In addition, we set up health and safety management teams, composed of health and safety officers, at each site and group company in Japan, and these teams work in line with the “Renesas Electronics Group Disaster Prevention, Health and Safety Management Policy” which is discussed at the “Companywide Health and Safety Conference”, which is held regularly. In addition, activities are made to disseminate policies and information of various sorts related to health and safety among group companies as well as independent contractors working at their facilities, and disaster prevention and health and safety initiatives are undertaken by the whole Renesas Group.
Additionally, health and safety personnel located in overseas sites disseminate health and safety–related targets and information, participate in efforts to prevent industrial accidents, and work to strengthen the health and safety management of the Renesas Group overall.

Efforts to Ensure a Safe and Healthy Workplace
Management Targets
We are committed to creating workplaces where employees and contractors working within Renesas can engage their jobs safely and in good health and we are all working to achieve the global target of “zero occupational accidents with days away from work (Note)." Incidents are reported as they occur in accordance with the ‘Regulations for Reporting Occupational Accidents, Property Damage, and Traffic Accidents,’ and are also identified through quarterly surveys. Information is shared company-wide to prevent recurrence, and thorough awareness-raising measures are implemented.
Note: 1 day away from work or more resulting from occupational accidents
Safety Initiatives
Renesas’ manufacturing sites and design facilities around the world are working proactively to prevent industrial accidents including the following through an occupational health and safety management system that identifies risks and implements countermeasures using risk management and KY (kiken yochi or “hazard prediction”) initiatives. In addition, direct employees at factories undergo regular monthly health and safety education. At our ISO45001 certified sites, contractors also agree to comply with Renesas’ safety guidelines as included in the agreements, as well as the “Rules for Exchanging Safety and Health Information with Contractors,” and participate in an annual training at each site.
- Reinforcing comprehensive fire management by the fire prevention organization and increasing employees' awareness
- Conducting inspection of machinery and safety equipment and implementing solutions in the event of abnormalities
- Monitoring employee and contractor safety performance every six months
When industrial accidents occur at sites outside of Japan, our health and safety personnel make efforts to track down the causes, and then provide advice and guidance for preventing recurrence where necessary. In addition, information on industrial accidents is shared across Renesas Group companies to raise awareness. As a whole, Renesas Group companies are working to prevent recurrence through the consistently applied management, tracking, and sharing of information on industrial accidents.- Preparations for Emergencies
We promote the establishment a safe and healthy workplace by following the below initiatives:
- Establishment of a response procedure for the occurrence of an emergency
- Establishment of an emergency team to deal with the incident in the occurrence of an emergency
- Evacuation drills with the assumption of an occurrence of an emergency
- Education within various offices and sites
Health Initiatives
In addition to medical examinations for all employees and medical examinations at the time of hiring, all employees handling dangerous chemicals or working the night shift receive special medical examinations, or medical examinations specifically for employees performing such designated jobs.
Occupational health physicians, nurses, and our own health and safety staff work together with a focus on maintaining and improving physical health, ensuring good mental health, and preventing burn out. They carry out medical examinations for employees working excessive overtime, follow-up on the results of these medical examinations, and arrange consultation and guidance from occupational health physicians referencing the results of stress checks based on the “guidelines for maintaining and improving the mental health of workers” established by the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. They also implement measures to reduce stress as well as provide mental health education based on analysis of the departments in which high-stress individuals work. In addition, a permanent and full-scale telecommuting system has been introduced as a new way to work under the “new normal,” and its adoption is expanding. We assess one’s stress level of working from home as part of the standard process.
In addition, Renesas is collaborating with a health insurance association to reduce the number of persons at risk of disease by disseminating health information via a smartphone app, offering online medical examinations using telecommunications equipment to link to medical institutions, providing tailored health guidance and advice for the prevention of serious illness, and implementing 24-hour telephone consultations and counseling with outside institutions, principally for mental health care.
When events such as a large-scale outbreak of infectious disease affecting multiple countries occurs, we issue instructions covering government directives from various countries, collect information involving all sites, and offer a set of unified global response measures to prevent employees from becoming infected such as restrictions of business trips. We also provide support in the form of supplies such as hygiene products when necessary.
Creating a Pleasant Workplace Environment
Promoting Work-Life Balance
In line with our Action Policy of “maintaining a work environment that respects work-life balance,” we set our “Work-Life Balance Promotion Month” from April through to May each year, efforts are made to maintain an environment oriented toward reducing long work hours and encouraging employees to utilize their planned annual paid leaves, and we promote activities emphasizing “mental and physical health for employees”.
We set a motto to maintain an appropriate balance in work and life: “working during work time and resting during rest time”. The aim is to achieve a synergy between “work” and “life” with ample vacation and leisure time to refresh the mind and body while realizing a way of working that combines quality of work and effective utilization of time.
Our Action Policy
- Maintaining an appropriate balance in work and life, “working during work time and resting during rest time,” is the key goal. A good balance between “work” and “life” is essential, and by enhancing the quality of “life” we can also improve the quality of “work.”
- With regards to “work,” we will continue our endeavors to reduce long work hours, encourage employees to utilize vacation days, eliminate industrial accidents and accidents occurring while commuting to and from work, and provide mental health care.
- With regards to “life,” we have designed initiatives to give employees more awareness of their fatigue levels and enable them to understand for themselves the necessity of rest, as well as activities aimed at providing employees with a sense of fulfillment and refreshment in their everyday lives, from the viewpoint of “mental and physical health for employees”.
Initiatives to Reduce Long Working Hours
The average prescribed working hours at Renesas is 7 hours and 45 minutes per day, with 130 days off (in 2023).
Alongside the laws and regulations on working hours as well as the 36 Agreement (an agreement between Renesas and the labor union that sets the maximum limit for overtime work), we have established a policy to reduce long working hours with the aim to maintain overwork "within 45 hours per month in principle, and maximum 80 hours per month". To realize our policy target, employees in managerial positions thoroughly manage their subordinates' working hours, and HR personnel follows up with employees to control overtime hours and objectively grasp employee working hours through the use of card readers. In addition, in order to create a pleasant workplace, the labor union works together to promote employees to use their annual paid leave.
As a result, in 2023, the average monthly overtime hours for a labor union member was 27.0 hours, and the annual paid leave days taken were 16.5 days.
Industrial Accidents
We track all industrial accidents that cause operational shutdowns on a global basis and strive to prevent those accidents through proactive information-sharing. The average number of disasters was 8 in 2023, including temporary and contract employees. There has not been any fatal accident with employees and contractors in 2019-2023.
In December 2022, 2.8% of our employees were temporary workers. The current rate as of October 2023 is 3.8%.
* Excluding the number of COVID-19 infected people who were certified as occupational accidents in the US in 2021
Breakdown by Region: Occupational Accidents with Days Away from Work
Contributing to SDGs
Renesas’ efforts in Safe and Healthy Working Environment contributes to these Sustainable Development Goals targets:

8.8 Protect labour rights and promote safe and secure working environments for all workers, including migrant workers, in particular women migrants, and those in precarious employment