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Voice Over PLC with High-Performance Audio Codec



This power line communication (PLC) audio system enables audio communication through existing power lines, making it ideal for applications like water heaters, doorbells, and in-house announcements. By eliminating the need for dedicated communication cables, the system reduces costs, simplifies construction and maintenance, and minimizes wiring errors.

System Benefits:

  • Enables audio communication between floors via PLC.
  • Reduces costs by eliminating the need for additional wiring or physical deployment.
  • Offers superior reliability, long-distance communication over 1km, and high-speed data transfer up to 1Mbps.
  • Features a low BOM cost and supports a compact design.



  • Water heater
  • Smart metering
  • Smart building
  • Fire and safety
  • Home appliance control system

Winning Combinations Interactive Diagram

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4:3 ratio Connector Line.294 Connector Line.292 Connector Arrow.162 Connector Arrow Connector Line.203 Connector Line.205 Connector Line.242 Connector Line.251 Sheet.1 Sheet.2 Sheet.3 Sheet.4 WS029 WS029 WS029 DC/DC DC/DC DC/DC Serial Flash Serial Flash Serial Flash Audio Codec Audio Codec Audio Codec USB Audio USB Audio USB Audio Bi-directional Bi-directional.22 Connected signals arrow Bi-directional.24 Bi-directional.25 Bi-directional.26 Bi-directional.27 Bi-directional.28 Connected signals arrow.29 Laptop Connected signals arrow.31 Board - Optional Option 1 Option 1 OPTION 1 Board - Optional.34 Option 2 Option 2 OPTION 2 Microphone Sheet.37 Sheet.38 Speaker speaker_8_ Sheet.41 Sheet.42 Sheet.43 Sheet.44 Serial Flash Serial Flash Serial Flash Audio Codec Audio Codec Audio Codec USB Audio USB Audio USB Audio Bi-directional.161 Bi-directional.163 Connected signals arrow.164 Bi-directional.165 Bi-directional.166 Bi-directional.167 Bi-directional.168 Bi-directional.169 Connected signals arrow.170 Connected signals arrow.171 Board - Optional.172 Option 1 Option 1 OPTION 1 Board - Optional.174 Option 2 Option 2 OPTION 2 Microphone.176 Sheet.177 Sheet.178 Speaker.179 speaker_8_ Sheet.181 Sheet.182 Sheet.183 Sheet.184 Laptop.185 Connector Line Connector Line.187 Connector Line.188 Connector Line.189 Connector dotted line Connector dotted line.191 Transformer Inductor Coreless (Air conductor) Sheet.193 Sheet.194 Sheet.195 Sheet.196 Sheet.197 Sheet.198 Sheet.199 Sheet.200 Sheet.201 Connected signals line Connected signals line.204 Transformer Inductor Coreless (Air conductor).206 Sheet.207 Sheet.208 Sheet.209 Sheet.210 Sheet.211 Sheet.212 Sheet.213 Sheet.214 Sheet.215 Connected signals line.222 Capacitor Non-polarized Sheet.236 Sheet.237 Sheet.238 Sheet.239 Connected signals line.241 Capacitor Non-polarized .243 Sheet.244 Sheet.245 Sheet.246 Sheet.247 Board.317 Board.252 Audio Unit Audio Unit Audio Unit PLC Unit PLC Unit PLC Unit USB USB USB 3.3V 3.3V 3.3V Board.259 One board for Primary/Secondary One board for Primary/Secondary One board for Primary/Secondary Transformer Inductor Coreless (Air conductor).262 Sheet.263 Sheet.264 Sheet.265 Sheet.266 Sheet.267 Sheet.268 Sheet.269 Sheet.270 Sheet.271 Connected signals line.272 Connector Line.273 Connected signals line.274 Connector Line.275 Transformer Inductor Coreless (Air conductor).276 Sheet.277 Sheet.278 Sheet.279 Sheet.280 Sheet.281 Sheet.282 Sheet.283 Sheet.284 Sheet.285 Connected signals line.286 Capacitor Non-polarized .287 Sheet.288 Sheet.289 Sheet.290 Sheet.291 Connected signals line.293 Capacitor Non-polarized .295 Sheet.296 Sheet.297 Sheet.298 Sheet.299 3.3V 3.3V 3.3V DC Line (12V~36V) DC Line (12V36V) DC Line (12V36V) PLC Unit PLC Unit PLC Unit Audio Unit Audio Unit Audio Unit One board for Primary/Secondary One board for Primary/Secondary One board for Primary/Secondary USB USB USB Board.306 Board.307 Board.308 DC/DC DC/DC DC/DC Sheet.309 NB-PLC Modem NB-PLC Modem NB-PLC Modem UART UART UART Sheet.310 NB-PLC Modem NB-PLC Modem NB-PLC Modem UART UART UART Sheet.311 MCU MCU MCU UART UART UART I2C I2C I2C I2S I2S I2S UART UART UART Sheet.312 MCU MCU MCU UART UART UART I2C I2C I2C I2S I2S I2S UART UART UART
Exiting Interactive Block Diagram