

IO-Link is a point-to-point serial communication protocol standard used to communicate with sensors and/or actuators. It allows users to control and exchange three types of data – process data, service data, and events.

The industry-leading RL78 microcontroller, best-in-class ZSC310xx sensor signal conditioners, and ZIOL2401 IO-Link interface comprise a complete solution that supports industrial automation trends, such as Industrial 4.0, Made-In-China 2025, and IIoT. Applications can include pressure sensing, level sensing, weight sensing, and various other sensing functions.

System Benefits:

  • Proven IO-Link PHY
  • An MCU with low power current consumption and strong analog features suited for sensor applications
  • Easy sensor signal conditioning with ZSC310xx
  • Fast integration



Winning Combinations Interactive Diagram

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Template 1 Bi-directional.331 Connector Arrow.377 Connector Line.375 US020 US020 US020 Resistive Sensor - IR Resistive Sensor e.g. IR sensor Resistive Sensore.g. IR sensor Capacitive Sensor Capacitive Sensor e.g. Touch sensor Capacitive Sensore.g. Touch sensor Resistive Sensor - Thermistors Resistive Sensor e.g. Thermistors Resistive Sensore.g. Thermistors Sensor Signal Conditioner Sensor Signal Conditioner Sensor Signal Conditioner MCU MCU MCU Connector Arrow Connector Arrow.322 Connector Arrow.323 Bi-directional Bi-directional.327 Connector Arrow.328 IO-Link Master* IO-Link Master* IO-Link Master* 24V 24V 24V Bi-directional.330 Bi-directional.332 I2C I2C I2C UART UART UART Connector Line Connector 1.160 N-Channel MOSFET Sheet.357 Sheet.358 Sheet.359 Sheet.360 Sheet.361 Sheet.362 Sheet.363 Sheet.364 Sheet.365 Sheet.366 Sheet.367 Sheet.368 Sheet.369 Sheet.370 Connect.50 Sheet.372 Sheet.373 Sheet.374 Sensor Signal-Conditioner Sensor Signal Conditioner Sensor Signal Conditioner Sensor-Signal Conditioner Sensor Signal Conditioner Sensor Signal Conditioner Humidity & Temp Sensor Humidity & Temp Sensor Humidity & Temp Sensor Bi-directional.376 GPIO/ADC GPIO/ADC GPIO/ADC Sheet.381 IO-Link PHY IO-Link PHY IO-Link PHY LDO LDO LDO DC/DC DC/DC DC/DC *Renesas IO-Link Master Kit Available *Renesas IO-Link Master Kit Available *Renesas IO-Link Master Kit Available 3.3V 3.3V 3.3V Bi-directional.384 Connector Arrow.385 Connector 1.160.386 Connector 1.160.387 3.3 V 3.3V 3.3V Connector Arrow.389 Connector 1.160.390 Connector Arrow.391 Connector 1.160.393 Connector Arrow.394 Connector 1.395
Exiting Interactive Block Diagram

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