Monitoring blood glucose levels, also known as blood sugar, is crucial for individuals with glucose level concerns such as diabetes. A continuous glucose monitor (CGM) is a wearable medical device that provides near real-time data to an interface and/or insulin therapy system, such as an insulin pump. This helps individuals maintain optimal glucose levels and prevent complications.
CGMs measure glucose frequently, typically every few minutes, enabling quicker responses compared to finger stick meters. Modern CGMs can interface with insulin pumps to automatically adjust insulin delivery, offering improved glucose control and peace of mind.
The Renesas CGM for closed-loop operation with an insulin pump offers robust information security and a compact design, with compliant modules and solutions that shorten time-to-market for medical device development.
System Benefits:
- Modular design with detachable sensor mechanics and electronics:
- A user only needs to replace the sensor electrodes (mechanics) and keep the electronics, rather than disposing of the whole assembly.
- Enhanced longevity and cost-effectiveness.
- Rechargeable battery and complete sealing for longer electronic life using NFC-WLC.
- Closed-loop combination functions with an insulin pump for a scalable insulin therapy system design:
- High precision using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy.
- Secure Bluetooth® Low Energy (LE) connectivity with NFC communication and pushbutton.
- NFC system features the lowest BOM count and direct antenna connection, ensuring a small footprint design.
- Convenient visualization on various devices using Bluetooth LE 5 provides improved stability, security, profiles, and energy efficiency.
- MCU has Radio Law (Japan), FCC/ISED (North America), and CE (Europe) certifications for RF compliance, which shortens time-to-market.
- Diabetes treatment by continuous glucose monitor
- Automatic drug adherence of the correct insulin amount via Bluetooth Link to insulin pump
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Designing Accurate and Secure CGMs for Closed-Loop Insulin Therapy | Blog Post | Nov 12, 2024 |