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Wireless Spirometer



A spirometer is a device designed to measure the volume of air inhaled and exhaled by the lungs. It is essential for assessing and improving lung health, especially for individuals with COPD, asthma, allergies, or other respiratory conditions. These measurements are crucial for the early detection of health anomalies and for training the lungs to overcome breathing challenges.

This wireless spirometer tracks key lung health indicators, including FEV1, peak flow (L/min), total lung capacity, and detailed inhalation/exhalation patterns over time. With seamless connectivity to a user-friendly GUI via Bluetooth® or Wi-Fi, it enables real-time monitoring and easy data sharing with medical professionals. NFC charging ensures a fully wireless and hassle-free experience.

System Benefits:

  • Bluetooth and Wi-Fi support for secure data transfer, storage, and remote evaluation, ensuring accessibility for both users and healthcare providers.
  • Flexible charging options for the integrated Li-ion battery via USB or NFC Wireless Charging (WLC).
  • Air flow sensor enables precise and dynamic measurements of air moving through a spirometer for monitoring respiratory flow patterns and variations.
  • Temperature and humidity sensor provides environmental compensation, ensuring accurate readings regardless of air density or environmental changes.



  • Spirometer for home use
  • Spirometer for semi-professional healthcare

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WS035: WEB 3.3V/500mAmax 3.3V/500mAmax 3.3V/500mAmax Connector Arrow.214 Sheet.174 Crystal Sheet.176 Sheet.177 Sheet.178 Sheet.179 Sheet.180 Sheet.181 Sheet.182 Line.188 Line.189 Connector Arrow Connector Arrow.68 Connector Arrow.252 Connector Line.191 Sheet.2 Crystal Sheet.4 Sheet.5 Sheet.6 Sheet.7 Sheet.8 Sheet.9 Sheet.10 Line.188 Line.189 Sheet.13 Transformer Inductor Coreless (Air conductor) Sheet.15 Sheet.16 Sheet.17 Sheet.18 Sheet.19 Sheet.20 Sheet.21 Sheet.22 Sheet.23 Line Line.34 Sheet.26 Transformer Inductor Coreless (Air conductor) Sheet.28 Sheet.29 Sheet.30 Sheet.31 Sheet.32 Sheet.33 Sheet.34 Sheet.35 Sheet.36 Line Line.34 NFC WLC NFC WLC NFC WLC Universal NFC Charger Universal NFC Charger Universal NFC Charger Protection Circuit Protection Circuit Protection Circuit USB-C USB-C USB-C USB-C Sheet.44 Sheet.45 Sheet.46 Sheet.47 Sheet.48 Sheet.49 Sheet.50 Sheet.51 Sheet.52 Sheet.53 Sheet.54 Sheet.55 Sheet.56 Line Bi-directional Load Switch Load Switch Load Switch Buck-Boost Buck-Boost Buck-Boost Battery 1-Cell Sheet.66 Sheet.67 Line 1pt.1552 Line 1pt.1583 Ground Sheet.71 Sheet.72 Connector Line Line Li-ion Battery Li-ion Battery Li-ionBattery Connector Line.70 Alternative USB 5VDC Supply instead of NFC WLC Alternative USB 5VDC Supply instead of NFC WLC Alternative USB 5VDC Supply instead of NFC WLC Mains or Battery Powered Mains or Battery Powered Mains or Battery Powered Line Arrow Bi-directional Horizontal Wire Bundle Communication Lines B.795 2 2 2 Laptop LEDs RGB LED Red Sheet.97 Sheet.98 LED Blue Sheet.100 Sheet.101 LED Green Sheet.103 Sheet.104 Antenna Sheet.112 Sheet.113 Sheet.114 Sheet.115 Sheet.116 Bi-directional.131 Load Switch Load Switch Load Switch Air Flow Sensor Air Flow Sensor Air Flow Sensor Temp & Humidity Sensor Temp & Humidity Sensor Temp & Humidity Sensor Touch Key Sheet.123 Sheet.124 Sheet.125 Sheet.126 Sheet.127 Sheet.128 Sheet.129 Sheet.130 Sheet.131 OLED Sheet.133 Label Text 10pt.160 Sheet.135 Sheet.136 Sheet.137 Sheet.138 Sheet.139 Sheet.140 Sheet.141 Sheet.142 Sheet.143 Sheet.144 Sheet.145 Sheet.146 Sheet.147 Sheet.148 Sheet.149 Sheet.150 Sheet.151 Sheet.152 Sheet.153 Sheet.154 Sheet.155 Sheet.156 Sheet.157 Sheet.158 Sheet.159 Connector Arrow.175 Connected signals arrow WS035 WS035 WS035 Bi-directional.180 Vertical Wire Bundle 2 2 2 Sheet.168 Connector dotted line Dotted Line 32 MHz 32 MHz 32 MHz 32 kHz 32 kHz 32 kHz PHY: BLE and/or Wi-Fi Protocol: Matter or proprietary PHY: BLE and/or Wi-Fi Protocol: Matter or proprietary PHY: BLE and/or Wi-Fi Protocol: Matter or proprietary Dotted Line.188 Tablet Sheet.106 Sheet.107 Sheet.108 Sheet.109 Sheet.110 Bi-directional.199 Vertical Wire Bundle.200 3 3 3 Sheet.202 Bi-directional.204 Vertical Wire Bundle.205 n n n Sheet.207 Bi-directional.209 Vertical Wire Bundle.210 4 4 4 Sheet.212 Connector Arrow.215 Connected signals arrow.216 Connector Arrow.219 Line.222 Bi-directional.224 Vertical Wire Bundle.225 2 2 2 Sheet.227 Vertical Wire Bundle.228 2 2 2 Sheet.230 Connector Arrow.231 Connector 1.160 Active Mode Active Mode Active Mode Line.253 Connected signals arrow.252 *For Wi-Fi+BLE modules, external crystals are not required *For Wi-Fi+BLE modules, external crystals are not required *For Wi-Fi+BLE modules, external crystals are not required Sheet.256 NFC Charger NFC Charger NFC Charger Vddc Vddc Vddc Vdbat Vdbat Vdbat GPIO0 GPIO0 GPIO0 I2C I2C I2C Sheet.257 Bluetooth Low Energy Bluetooth Low Energy Bluetooth Low Energy Vdd Vdd Vdd UART UART UART PHY PHY PHY RF Osc.* RF Osc.* RF Osc.* RTC* RTC* RTC* Sheet.296 MCU MCU MCU Vdd Vdd Vdd I2C I2C I2C USB USB USB UART UART UART GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO I2C I2C I2C
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