The SH7144 Series single-chip RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) microcomputers integrate a Renesas-original RISC CPU core with peripheral functions required for system configuration. The SH7144 series CPU has a RISC-type instruction set. Most instructions can be executed in one state (one system clock cycle), which greatly improves instruction execution speed. With this CPU, it has become possible to assemble low cost, high performance/high-functioning systems, even for applications that were previously impossible with microcomputers, such as real-time control, which demands high speeds. & In addition, the SH7144 series includes on-chip peripheral functions necessary for system configuration, such as a direct memory access controller (DMAC), large-capacity ROM and RAM, timers, a serial communication interface (SCI), an A/D converter. ROM and SRAM can be directly connected to the SH7144 MCU by means of an external memory access support function. This greatly reduces system cost.
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Design & Development
Software & Tools
Software & Tools
Software title
Software type
JPEG Encode and Decode Library JPEG Library
Imaging | Renesas |
HI7000/4 Real-time OS for SuperH Family μITRON4.0 Specification real-time OS for SH-1,SH-2,SH2-DSP,SH-2A,SH2A-FPU [Required IDE :High-performance Embedded Workshop]
ITRON OS | Renesas |
C/C++ Compiler Package for SuperH Family C/C++ Compiler package for SuperH RISC engine Family. Simulator debugger and High-performance Embedded Workshop included.
Compiler/Assembler | Renesas |
MISRA C Rule Checker SQMlint MISRA C Rule Checker (option)
Compiler/Assembler | Renesas |
E10A-USB HS0005KCU01H for H-UDI Interface E10A-USB emulator not supporting AUD trace function.
Emulator | Renesas |
E10A-USB HS0005KCU02H for AUD Trace Function E10A-USB emulator supporting AUD trace function.
Emulator | Renesas |
High-performance Embedded Workshop Renesas integrated development environment (IDE) (for SuperH, RX, R8C, M32R, M16C, H8SX, H8S, H8, and 740 families).
IDE and Coding Tool | Renesas |
Flash Development Toolkit (Programming GUI) Flash memory programming software. [Support MCU/MPU and devices: SuperH RISC engine, RX, R8C, M16C, H8SX, H8S, H8, 740]
Programmer (Unit/SW) | Renesas |
Simulator Debugger for SuperH Family Simulator debugger for the SuperH RISC engine family [Support IDE : High-performance Embedded Workshop] (Note: This product is included in Compiler Package and is not available separately.)
Simulator | Renesas |
9 items
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ECAD Models
Schematic symbols, PCB footprints, and 3D CAD models from SamacSys can be found by clicking on products in the Product Options table. If a symbol or model isn't available, it can be requested directly from the website.