

The RZ/Five microprocessor includes a RISC-V CPU Core (AX45MP Single) 1.0 GHz, 16-bit DDR3L/DDR4 interface. And it also has many interfaces such as Gbit-Ether, CAN, and USB 2.0, making it ideal for applications such as entry-class social infrastructure gateway control and industrial gateway control.

There are two package options. Please refer to the RZ/Five Overview for the differences in the functions supported by each.
13 x 13 mm Package Part Number: R9A07G043F01GBG#BC0
11 x 11 mm Package Part Number: R9A07G043F00GBG#BC0

The RZ/Five 13 x 13 mm package is also pin compatible with the RZ/G2UL (Type 1).


  • 64-bit RISC-V/AX45MP (Single)
  • DDR4 or DDR3L memory interface
  • Memory error detection / correction (ECC)
  • Gigabit Ethernet 2ch
  • CAN interface (CAN-FD) 2ch
  • USB 2.0 interface 2ch
  • SD interface 2ch
  • AD converter 2ch
  • 13 x 13mm BGA package、11x11mm BGA package




  • IoT gateway
  • Industrial gateway


Design & Development

Software & Tools

Software & Tools

Software title
Software type
RZ Smart Configurator
RZ Smart Configurator is a utility for combining software in ways that meet your needs. It simplifies the embedding of Renesas drivers in your systems through supports for importing middleware and drivers and configuring pins.
Solution Toolkit Renesas
RZ/Five Verified Linux Package [5.10-CIP]
Linux Packages for MPUs of the RZ/Five. Functions of this products have been verified and regular maintenance is also provided.
Software Package Renesas
RZ MPU WebUI Package for Verified Linux Package [5.10-CIP]
This product provides a WebUI package for RZ MPUs: WebUI is a web-based management tool that provides a user interface (UI) to users over a network.
Software Package Renesas
RZ MPU Security Package (Linux OS)
Security Package for RZ MPUs. This package is used in combination with the Linux package provided for each device.
Software Package Renesas
4 items

Software Downloads

Type Title Date
PCB Design Files Log in to Download ZIP 23.85 MB
PCB Design Files Log in to Download ZIP 11.25 MB
2 items

Boards & Kits

Boards & Kits


Videos & Training

64-Bit RISC-V General-Purpose MPU for IoT Edge

RZ/Five provides a new platform for high-performance IoT Edge solutions. Learn the advantages of RISC-V CPU, and how to easily scale development across RISC-V and Arm cores.