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The RAJ240055 evaluation kit consists of an evaluation module (EVM), a USB System Management Bus (SMBus), and an interface adapter. It allows users to evaluate their battery management system using the Renesas RAJ240055 Li-ion Battery Fuel Gauge IC (FGIC).

Additionally, the kit includes the Battery Management System with Fixed Firmware (R-BMS F), which is a fixed-firmware that is easy to use and requires no additional development. It features user-configurable settings for determining the device's different thresholds. The evaluation kit can go from evaluation to customer qualification without the need for FW development.


  • Complete evaluation system for Li-ion battery management
  • Optimized circuit module for quick setup
  • SMBus I/F communication
  • Built in resistor cell simulator for quick setup with minimum wire connections
  • LED indicator to show Battery level, system status (Charge/Discharge/Alert)
  • GUI based PC software for configuration


  • Handheld Electronics
  • Cleaner
  • Industrial


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Application Note PDF 411 KB
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R-BMS F: Renesas Battery Management System with Fixed Firmware

Renesas' Battery Management System with Fixed Firmware (R-BMS F) is a fixed firmware solution designed for RAJ240100, RAJ240090 and RAJ240055 industry-leading 3-10 Cell FGICs. RTK0EF0136DK0002BU EVK utilizes RAJ240090/100 and RTK0EF0163DK0002BU EVK utilizes RAJ240055. Both EVKs are equipped with an intuitive GUI tool, delivering a comprehensive and flexible battery management system for precise state-of-charge monitoring.