MOSFET gate drivers are specialized circuits used to drive the gate of power MOSFETs effectively and efficiently in high-speed switching applications and power applications. MOSFETs can be used to provide the proper polarity in motor applications to rotate a rotor in the desired direction used in brushed DC motor applications. BLDC (brushless) motor applications require three half-bridge MOSFET topologies to commutate a BLDC motor. An MCU with a FET driver and three half-bridge MOSFETs completes the motor control system.
The innovative family of smart three-phase MOSFET drivers further simplifies BLDC motor design by driving a variety of motor configurations and motor control algorithms without requiring hardware changes. These smart gate drivers integrate supporting circuitry, such as power management, zero crossing detection, gain amplifiers, and sample/hold to utilize only ADCs from the MCU which saves board space and BOM cost.