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The real-time OS aware debugging presented herein supports task-level debugging of real-time OS applications in the Integrated Development Environment High-performance Embedded Workshop. This function comes standard with High-performance Embedded Workshop. There is no need to rebuild the real-time OS, nor will overhead be incurred. (Debug patches, etc. are not necessary.)


  • Object status reference (OS object window)
  • Graphical display of task execution history (task trace window)
  • Graphical display of task execution time (task analyze window)
  • Functions for the E100 emulator
  • Learn more

Release Information

Target Devices


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Application Note PDF 750 KB 日本語
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Additional Details


  • Object status reference (OS object window)
  • Allows you to inspect the execution status of objects such as tasks and semaphores
  • RAM monitor supported
  • Capable of a mixed display of multiple objects such as task priority and event flag value

When using Renesas real-time OSs, you can make use of extended debugger options that permit more detailed object status references (real-time OS debugger [Debugging Extension] task window, etc. and MR window of the PC7501 emulator, etc.). These windows include the items normally displayed in the OS object window. (The relationship between these windows and the OS object window is similar to the relationship between a watch window and local window.)

  • Graphical display of task execution history (task trace window)
    • Execution history display making use of trace data
  • Graphical display of task execution time (task analyze window)
    • Execution time and CPU occupancy rate display making use of trace data
  • Functions for the E100 emulator
    • Real-time profile (shows the CPU occupancy rate over a long time without interruption)
    • Task specification for each condition (break, performance, trace and trace filter)
    • Currently executed task display in the status bar
    • Task execution history display in text form (execution history display making use of trace data)
    • Task stack coverage (graphical display of the task stack used)
    • Memory protection (illegal accesses to the task stack and OS area detected)
    • Step execution aiming at a specific task
    • Dispatch detection and break
Real-time Profile
Task Stack Coverage
Memory Protection

Refer to the help file of the E100 emulator for more information about the functionality.

Function Relationship

[Real-time OS] Table 1

Function HI7200/MP,
RI600/4 M3T-MR30/4,
HI1000/4 MR8C/4,
Smalight OS
OS object
Task trace
Task analyze
OS trace - - -
OS analyze - - -
Task step -
Currently executed task display -
Execution history display -
Realtime profile -
Task specification -
Stack coverage - -
Memory protection -


Detection of dispatch -

[Real-time OS] Table 2

OS object -
Task trace
Task analyze
OS trace - - - - -
OS analyze - - - - -
Task step - - - - -
Currently executed task display - -
Execution history display - - -
Realtime profile - - -
Task specification - - -
Stack coverage - - - -
Memory protection






Detection of dispatch - - - - -


Function Simulator E1 E20 E10A-USB E8a E100 E200F
OS object
(RAM monitor supported2)

(RAM monitor supported)
Task trace 5 5
(Large capacity2)
1 -
(Large capacity)
Task analyze 5 5
(Large capacity2)
1 -
(Large capacity)
OS trace 3 - - - - 4 -
OS analyze 3 - - - - 4 -
Task step - - - -
Currently executed task display - - - -
Execution history display - - - - - -
Real-time profile - - - - - -
Task specification - - - - - -
Stack coverage - - - - - -
Memory protection - - - - - -
Detection of dispatch - - - - - -
  • 1. Use 36-pin or 38-pin cable. (14-pin cable can not use.) Time is not displayed. (except for SH2A-DUAL)
  • 2. Use 38-pin cable. (14-pin cable can not use.)
  • 3. apply only when Simulator debugger for RX family V.1.02.00 or later is in use.
  • 4. apply only when M16C R8C E100 Emulator Software V.1.03 Release 00 or later and M16C/60 or M16C/50 series are in use.
  • 5. apply only when E1 or E20 emulator debugger for RX family is in use.

Operating Environment

Corresponding Real-Time OS

Real-time OS Microcontrollers
Renesas HI7200/MP V.1.00 Release 03 or later SH2A-DUAL
Renesas HI7750/4 V.2.02 Release 04 or later SH-4, SH-4A
Renesas HI7700/4 V.2.03 Release02 or later SH4AL-DSP, SH-3, SH3-DSP
Renesas HI7000/4 V.2.02 Release 04 or later SH-2, SH2-DSP, SH-2A, SH-1
Renesas RI600/4 V.1.00 Release 00 or later RX Family
Renesas M3T-MR30/4 V.4.00 Release 00 or later M16C/60, M16C/50, M16C/30, M16C/20, M16C/10, M16C/Tiny Series
R8C Family
Renesas M3T-MR30 V.3.30 Release 2 or later M16C/60, M16C/50, M16C/30,M16C/20, M16C/10, M16C/Tiny Series
Renesas MR8C/4 V.1.00 Release 00 or later R8C Family
Renesas HI1000/4 v1.05 Release01 or later H8SX Family
H8S Family
Smalight OS made by Maxell System Tech Co., Ltd. V3.10 or later SH-2, SH-2A
RX Family
M16C/Tiny, M16C/30 and M16C/60 Series
R8C Family
H8SX Family
H8S Family
H8 Family
ThreadX made by Express Logic, Inc. G5.1.5.0 SH-2A
NORTi made by MiSPO Co., Ltd. Version4 Release 1.20 SH-4A, SH-2A
Version4 Release 4.3G RX Family
Version4 Release 1.14 H8SX Family
H8S Family
osCAN made by Vector Informatik GmbH. Version 3.05 M16C/60, M16C/Tiny Series
RTA-OSEK made by ETAS Co., Ltd. Version 4.0.0 SH-2A
uC/OS-II made by Micrium Inc. V.2.86 (AN-Renesas-SH7201) SH-2A
V.2.89 RX Family
V2.83 (AN-1662) M16C/60 Series
V.2.86 (AN-Renesas-H8S2215R, AN-Renesas-H8S2472, AN-Renesas-H8SX1664) H8SX Family
H8S Family
embOS made by Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG Version 3.80g SH-2A
Version 3.82b RX Family
CMX-RTX made by CMX Systems Inc. Version 5.30 RX Family
TRON Forum uT-Kernel v1.00.00 M16C/62P Group
TOPPERS Project TOPPERS/ASP Release 1.3.1 SH-2A
Release 1.3.2 M16C/60 Series
TOPPERS Project TOPPERS/JSP Release 1.4.3 H8/3048 Group
H8S/2350 Group

Corresponding Debuggers

Debugger Supported microcontrollers Supported debugger version
Simulator debugger SuperH Family V.9.08.00 or later
RX Family V.1.00.00 ot later
H8SX, H8S and H8 Family V.5.07.00 or later
E1 emulator debugger RX Family, R8C Family V.1.00 Release 00 or later
E20 emulator debugger RX Family, R8C Family V.1.00 Release 00 or later
E10A-USB emulatordebugger SH-2A, SH-4A, SH4AL-DSP, H8SX Family, V.3.00 Release 00 or later
H8S Family
SH2A-DUAL, SH4A-MULTI V.2.00 Release 00
E8a emulator debugger M16C Family, R8C Family, H8 Family V.1.02 Release 00 or later
E100 emulator debugger RX Family, M16C Family, R8C Family, V.1.00 Release00 or later
H8SX Family
E200F emulator debugger SH-2A V.3.00 Release 00

*. Please refer to the Emulator pages linked above to get to know the detailed supported MCUs.

Corresponding Compilers

*TRON Forum holds the copyright on the uITRON Specification and the uT-Kernel specifications.
*The OSEK/VDX steering committee holds the copyright on the OSEK/VDX specifications.
*TOPPERS is a registered trademark of TOPPERS Project.
*OSEK is a registered trademark of Siemens AG.
*ThreadX is a registered trademark of Express Logic, Inc.
*NORTi is a registered trademark of MiSPO Co., Ltd.
*osCAN is a registered trademark of Vector Informatik GmbH.
*RTA-OSEK is a registered trademark of LiveDevices Co., Ltd.
*Smalight is a registered trademark of Maxell System Tech Co., Ltd.
*uC/OS-II is a trademark of Micrium, Inc.
*embOS is a registered trademark of SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG.
*CMX-RTX is a trademark of CMX Systems Inc.
*The other system names and product names referred to in this document are trademarks or registered trademarks of the respective proprietary companies.
*TRON, ITRON, uITRON, uT-Kernel and OSEK/VDX do not refer to any specific product or products.

Design Support

High-performance Embedded Workshop Real-Time OS Aware Debugging Information for Users