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Vending Machine with Secure Cloud Connection



As the market shifts towards greater convenience and connectivity, smart vending machines are gaining popularity. Consumers now expect these machines to be cashless, connected, and user-friendly, reflecting the broader digital transformation and the shift toward contactless transactions. This design meets these expectations by integrating seamless payment processing, secure cloud monitoring, and an intuitive human machine interface (HMI).

The Renesas Synergy™ MCU, with on-chip hardware security and a built-in LCD controller, ensures the system is secure and visually engaging. Its qualified Synergy Software Package (SSP) enables quick and reliable cloud connections. A Narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IoT) modem enhances connectivity, allowing operation in diverse locations. Hardware encryption and the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol ensure secure cloud connections, reliable financial transactions, and safe transmission of billing information. The capacitive touch and larger color TFT-LCD create an engaging and optimized HMI experience.

System Benefits:

  • High-performance Arm® Cortex® MCU with built-in TFT-LCD, capacitive touch, and qualified SSP provides a smooth, responsive, and intuitive user interface, enhancing customer satisfaction.
  • Flexible wired and wireless connectivity support, such as Ethernet, NB-IoT, and Wi-Fi, enables real-time inventory management and reliable operation.
  • Humidity and temperature sensor provides precise, high-accuracy, and excellent stability for measuring humidity and temperature, ensuring product quality and machine reliability.
  • DC/DC controller, battery charger, and an LDO provide a robust power management system, ensuring system stability. 



Winning Combinations Interactive Diagram

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4:3 ratio Sheet.1 Sheet.2 Sheet.3 Sheet.4 CN040 CN040 CN040 AC Power Source Sheet.11 Alternating Current Connector 1.158 Plug Sheet.72 Sheet.73 Sheet.74 Sheet.75 Buck Controller Buck Controller Buck Controller Aux Power LDO Aux Power LDO Aux Power LDO Switch Switch Switch Battery Charger Battery Charger Battery Charger Battery.27 Sheet.90 Sheet.91 Sheet.92 Touch Key Sheet.97 Sheet.98 Sheet.99 Sheet.100 Sheet.101 Sheet.102 Sheet.103 Sheet.104 Sheet.105 TFT-LCD Block.120 TFT-LCD TFT-LCD TFT-LCD Sheet.126 Sheet.127 Sheet.128 Sheet.129 Sheet.131 Cloud Redo Undo SDRAM SDRAM SDRAM NB-IoT Module NB-IoT Module NB-IoT Module Wi-Fi Temperature/Humidity Sensor Temperature/Humidity Sensor Temperature/Humidity Sensor Motor Sheet.140 Sheet.141 M M Sheet.232 Sheet.234 Sheet.236 Non-Renesas Component Transformer Line.841 Inductor Air Core.509 Sheet.27 Sheet.28 Sheet.29 Sheet.30 Sheet.31 Sheet.32 Sheet.33 Sheet.34 Sheet.35 Line.29 Inductor Air Core.212 Sheet.38 Sheet.39 Sheet.40 Sheet.41 Sheet.42 Sheet.43 Sheet.44 Sheet.45 Sheet.46 Sheet.237 Sheet.238 Sheet.239 Sheet.240 Sheet.241 Sheet.242 Sheet.243 Sheet.244 Sheet.245 Sheet.246 Sheet.247 Sheet.248 Sheet.249 Sheet.250 Sheet.251 Sheet.252 Sheet.253 Sheet.254 Sheet.255 Sheet.256 Sheet.264 Sheet.265 Sheet.266 Sheet.267 Connector 1.158.268 Sheet.269 Connector 1.270 Sheet.271 Connector 1.272 Sheet.273 Sheet.274 Sheet.275 Sheet.276 Sheet.277 Sheet.278 12V 12V 12V Connector 1.158.280 3.3V 3.3V 3.3V VDD3.3V VDD3.3V VDD3.3V 3.3V 3.3V 3.3V 4.2V 4.2V 4.2V AC Motor AC Motor AC Motor VDD3.3V VDD3.3V VDD3.3V Sheet.291 Touch Key Touch Key Touch Key Cloud Control Cloud Control Cloud Control Sheet.294 VDD3.3V VDD3.3V VDD3.3V System Control Synergy System Control Synergy System Control Synergy System Control Synergy Lock.161 Sheet.94 Sheet.95 GPIO GPIO GPIO I2C I2C I2C Ethernet Ethernet Ethernet LCDC LCDC LCDC MQTT+TLS MQTT+TLS MQTT+TLS MMC MMC MMC CTSU CTSU CTSU Triac Component.304 Diode - Triac Sheet.325 Sheet.326 Sheet.327 Sheet.328 Sheet.329 Sheet.330 Triangle.12 Triangle.16
Exiting Interactive Block Diagram