The swappable battery charging method represents the future of light electric vehicle (LEV) battery charging. Developing battery charging station infrastructure is a high-investment endeavor; however, a small kiosk approach can be autonomous and easy to operate. This approach significantly reduces user wait time and simplifies operation, making it an attractive alternative to traditional charging station infrastructure, which demands substantial investment. Additionally, the kiosk offers emergency DC charging for non-standard battery-operated vehicles, enhancing its versatility and utility.
System Benefits:
- Intuitive graphical and touch-based access to control the swapping process using RA6M1/RA6M3 MCUs.
- Bluetooth® Low Energy (LE) and Wi-Fi access for mobile-based application control via the Wi-Fi + Bluetooth (LE) module.
- Charge metering for individual battery charging using the RL78/I1C MCU.
- Modular charging approach with a 3kW AC/DC charger for flexible power management.
- CAN-based communication between devices to monitor battery health and charging status.
- QR code functionality for secure payment through the service provider.
- Global System for Mobile communication (GSM) delivers information to the kiosk.
- Auxiliary supply for the front-end system managed by a PWM controller.
- Light electric vehicle (LEV) battery charging stations
- LEV battery swapping stations
- LEV battery management systems
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