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Swappable Battery Charging Kiosk



The swappable battery charging method represents the future of light electric vehicle (LEV) battery charging. Developing battery charging station infrastructure is a high-investment endeavor; however, a small kiosk approach can be autonomous and easy to operate. This approach significantly reduces user wait time and simplifies operation, making it an attractive alternative to traditional charging station infrastructure, which demands substantial investment. Additionally, the kiosk offers emergency DC charging for non-standard battery-operated vehicles, enhancing its versatility and utility.

System Benefits​:

  • Intuitive graphical and touch-based access to control the swapping process using RA6M1/RA6M3 MCUs.
  • Bluetooth® Low Energy (LE) and Wi-Fi access for mobile-based application control via the Wi-Fi + Bluetooth (LE) module.
  • Charge metering for individual battery charging using the RL78/I1C MCU.
  • Modular charging approach with a 3kW AC/DC charger for flexible power management.
  • CAN-based communication between devices to monitor battery health and charging status.
  • QR code functionality for secure payment through the service provider.
  • Global System for Mobile communication (GSM) delivers information to the kiosk.
  • Auxiliary supply for the front-end system managed by a PWM controller.



  • Light electric vehicle (LEV) battery charging stations
  • LEV battery swapping stations
  • LEV battery management systems

Winning Combinations Interactive Diagram

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16:9 3 KW Charger 8x Sheet.20 1 KW Charger 8x 3 KW Charger 8x 3 KW Charger 8x CAN CAN CAN Sheet.656 Sheet.657 Sheet.329 Sheet.311 Sheet.312 Sheet.313 Sheet.314 Sheet.315 Sheet.316 Sheet.317 Sheet.320 Sheet.322 Sheet.325 Sheet.326 Sheet.327 Sheet.328 Sheet.332 Sheet.333 Sheet.334 Sheet.335 Sheet.336 Sheet.337 Sheet.338 Sheet.339 Sheet.340 Sheet.341 Sheet.342 Sheet.343 Sheet.344 Sheet.345 Connector Line.631 Connector Line.469 Connector Line.439 Sheet.597 Sheet.583 Sheet.584 Sheet.585 Sheet.586 Sheet.598 Sheet.589 Sheet.590 Sheet.591 Sheet.592 Connector Line.454 AS004 AS004 AS004 LDO LDO LDO DC Output Bike Charging Socket 2x DC Output Bike Charging Socket 2x DC Output Bike Charging Socket 2x DC Output Bike Charging Socket 2x DC Output BikeCharging Socket 2x Opto Component block.631 Opto Opto Opto Sheet.44 Sheet.46 Sheet.48 SHUNT 1 SHUNT SHUNT Sheet.69 Sheet.70 Sheet.71 Sheet.72 SHUNT 2 SHUNT SHUNT E-Meter 8x E-Meter 8x E-Meter 8x Sheet.80 Communication Lines B.135 2 2 2 Double arrow.137 Connector Arrow Connector Arrow.85 Connector Line.90 Connector Line.91 3.3V 3.3V 3.3V Connector Line.96 Connector Line.98 Connector Line.99 Connector Line.100 Connector Line.101 Connector Line.102 Connector Line.103 Sheet.118 Sheet.117 Component block.34 Component block.35 Sheet.107 Sheet.108 Sheet.110 Sheet.111 Sheet.112 Inductor Sheet.114 Sheet.115 Sheet.116 Sheet.119 Component block.34 Component block.35 Sheet.124 Sheet.125 Sheet.127 Sheet.128 Inductor Sheet.131 Sheet.132 Sheet.133 Display Display Display Sheet.181 Sheet.154 Sheet.155 Component block.34 Component block.35 ?? Inductor Air Core Line.841 Inductor Air Core.212 Sheet.172 Sheet.173 Sheet.174 Sheet.175 Sheet.176 Sheet.177 Sheet.178 Sheet.179 Sheet.180 Load Switch 6x Load Switch 6x Load Switch6x TFT Display TFT Display TFT Display Touch Key Sheet.227 Sheet.228 Sheet.229 Sheet.230 Sheet.231 Sheet.232 Sheet.233 Sheet.234 Sheet.235 Bluetooth & Wi-Fi Bluetooth & Wi-Fi Bluetooth & Wi-Fi GSM GSM GSM Antenna Sheet.241 Sheet.242 Sheet.243 QR Code for Payment QR Code for Payment QR Code for Payment 10V45mA 10V/45mA 10V/45mA 4.7V2Amax 4.7V/2Amax 4.7V/2Amax 3.3V350mAmax 3.3V/ 350mAmax 3.3V/350mAmax 10V300mAmax 10V/300mAmax 10V/300mAmax ON Fault ON Fault ON Fault RESET RESET RESET 3.3V150mAmax 3.3V/150mAmax 3.3V/150mAmax 10V60mA 10V/60mA 10V/60mA 60V15A 60V/15A 60V/15A 3.3V500mA 3.3V/500mA 3.3V/500mA 5V 2.5A 5V/2.5A 5V/2.5A Output Control Relay 2x Output Control Relay 2x Output ControlRelay 2x Output Control Relay 6x Output Control Relay 6x Output ControlRelay 6x 3.3V, 0.5A 3.3V/0.5A 3.3V/0.5A Docking Solenoid 6x Docking Solenoid 6x Docking Solenoid6x 16 Cell LiFeP 16 Cell LiFeP 16 CellLiFeP + - + - +- Sheet.365 2 2 2 Sheet.367 60V 60V 60V Connector Arrow.400 Connector Line.403 Connector Line.404 Connector Arrow.405 Connector Line.406 Connector Line.407 Connector Arrow.409 Connector double arrow Connector double arrow.412 Connector Arrow.414 Connector Arrow.416 Connector 1 2 2 2 2 Sheet.429 Sheet.430 2 2 2 Sheet.432 Connector Line.433 Connector Arrow.438 Connector Line.440 Connector 1.441 Connector Line.442 Connector 1.444 Connector 1.445 Sheet.446 2 2 2 Sheet.448 Connector Line.455 Sheet.456 6 6 6 Sheet.458 Connector Arrow.459 Connector 1.460 Connector Line.465 Connector Line.467 Connector Line.468 Sheet.470 2 2 2 Sheet.472 60V, 15A 60V/15A 60V/15A 60V, 15A 60V, 15A Sheet.476 Sheet.482 Sheet.479 Sheet.480 Connector Line.498 Connector Line.500 60V, 15A 60V, 15A Sheet.504 Sheet.505 Sheet.506 Sheet.507 Connector Line.498 Connector Line.500 60V, 15A 60V/15A 60V/15A Connector 1.511 Connector Line.513 Resistor Connector Line.517 Connector Line.518 Connector 1.519 Connector 1.520 Connector 1.522 Connector Line.523 Connector Line.524 Connector Line.525 Connector Line.534 Connector 1.535 + + + - - - DC/DC Buck DC/DC Buck DC/DC Buck Connector Arrow.553 3.3V 3.3V 3.3V Connector Arrow.556 Connector Arrow.557 Connector Line.558 Connector Line.559 Sheet.560 2 2 2 Sheet.562 Connector Line.563 Connector Line.564 Connector 1.565 Connector double arrow.566 Sheet.570 Communication Lines B.554 4 4 4 Connector Arrow.573 Connector Arrow.574 ON/OFF ON/OFF ON/OFF Board - Optional Board - Optional.603 Connector Line.607 Sheet.609 Battery Pack 6x Battery Pack 6x Battery Pack6x Connector double arrow.615 Sheet.616 2 2 2 Sheet.618 Connector double arrow.619 Sheet.620 2 2 2 Sheet.622 Board - Optional.623 Connector Arrow.630 Sheet.633 Sheet.635 AC 1 AC AC Connector Line.399 AC Sheet.17 Sheet.18 AC 2 AC 2 Sheet.62 Sheet.63 AC 2 AC AC Battery.46 Sheet.641 Sheet.642 Sheet.643 Sheet.644 Line 1pt.1552 Line 1pt.1608 10V 500mA 10V/500mA 10V/500mA Touch Buttons Touch Buttons TouchButtons Connector Arrow.718 Connector Line AC/DC AC/DC AC/DC Connector Arrow.723 Sheet.726 Communication Lines B.425 2 2 2 MCU MCU 1 MCU MCU Σ∆ Σ∆ Σ∆ UART UART UART VCC VCC VCC Battery Front End Battery Front End Battery Front End BatteryFront End CFET CFET CFET CB CB CB DFET DFET DFET I2C I2C I2C CSP CSP CSP CSN CSN CSN MCU.729 MCU 2 MCU MCU VCC VCC VCC I2C I2C I2C SPI SPI SPI CAN CAN CAN GPIO GPIO GPIO MCU.730 MCU 3 MCU MCU VCC VCC VCC GPIO GPIO GPIO CAN CAN CAN ADC ADC ADC GPIO GPIO GPIO UART UART UART HMI HMI HMI I2C I2C I2C CTSU CTSU CTSU
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