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Time of Flight (ToF) Sensor Module


This Time of Flight (ToF) sensor module can cover a wide range and can adjust the distance based on the requirement of each situation (e.g., 2m for functional safety). To meet Industry 4.0 communication level standards, all of the information from the sensors includes an external proximity sensor that can route information directly to the cloud.

System Benefits:

  • Customers can easily implement their products with this small and extensible module.
  • The ISL29501 has a built-in current DAC circuit that drives an external LED. The modulated light from the emitter is reflected off the target and is received by the photodiode. This provides better sensing accuracy than infrared sensors, as well as lower cost and power than image sensors that have cameras.





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Template 1 CPU Board.401 Connector Arrow.409 Connector Arrow.410 CPU Board CPU Board CPU Board Sensor Board Sensor Board Sensor Board Emitter Emitter Emitter PD PD PD Connector Arrow.338 JP084 JP084 JP084 External Proximity Sensor External Proximity Sensor External Proximity Sensor Remote I/O Connector Remote I/O Connector Remote I/O Connector Power IN Power IN Power IN Remote I/O IN Remote I/O IN Remote I/O IN ToF Sensor Connector ToF Sensor Connector ToF Sensor Connector EEPROM EEPROM EEPROM LEDs LEDs LEDs Bi-directional Connector Arrow Bi-directional.331 Bi-directional.333 Connector Arrow.334 OLED Sheet.340 OLED Sheet.343 Sheet.344 Sheet.345 Sheet.346 Sheet.347 Sheet.348 Sheet.349 Sheet.350 Sheet.351 Sheet.352 Sheet.353 Sheet.354 Sheet.355 Sheet.356 Sheet.357 Sheet.358 Sheet.359 Sheet.360 Sheet.361 Sheet.362 Sheet.363 Sheet.364 Sheet.365 Sheet.366 ToF IC ToF IC ToF IC Bi-directional.370 Sheet.378 Sheet.379 Darlington.651 Sheet.381 Darlington.254 Sheet.385 Sheet.386 Darlington.651 Sheet.388 Darlington.254 Sheet.394 Sheet.391 Sheet.392 Sheet.395 Sheet.396 Sheet.397 Connector Arrow.400 Buck Regulator Buck Regulator Buck Regulator Photocoupler Photocoupler Photocoupler Connector Arrow.404 Connector Arrow.405 Connector 1.160 5V 5V 5V Connector Arrow.408 Power OUT Power OUT Power OUT I/O OUT I/O OUT I/O OUT Connector Line 3.3V 3.3V 3.3V 1.15V 1.15V 1.15V 3.3 V 3.3V 3.3V Connector Arrow.417 Sheet.418 MPU MPU MPU USB USB USB EHC* EHC* EHC* GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIOx4 GPIOx4 GPIOx4 I2C I2C I2C EtherCat EtherCat EtherCat SPI SPI SPI
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