Cloud Kit Based on RX65N MCU Group
The CK-RX65N cloud kit enables users to securely connect to the cloud and explore the features of the Renesas RXv2 core based RX65N MCU Group and cloud services.
This system includes a light sensor, temperature/humidity sensor, and total volatile organic compounds (TVOC) sensor. All the data, including sensor data, can be uploaded to the cloud.
The RX65N 32-bit microcontroller is the next-generation general-purpose MCU, with Human Machine Interface (HMI) and security features ideal for IoT Edge devices. The built-in dual-bank functionality and Trusted Secure IP features allow you to establish secure cloud communications and conduct firmware updates easily and securely.
System Benefits:
Available on Lab on the Cloud - Use our PC-based GUI to instantly start configuring and testing.
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