What is a Sensor, Anyway

What is a Sensor, Anyway

Software is becoming the new sensor. This shift in thinking opens the door to incorporating more complex, AI-based algorithms, rather than just simple condition thresholds.

Solutions for Real Problems Running on Cortex-M4 and M7 Platforms

Solutions for Real Problems Running on Cortex-M4 and M7 Platforms

In this blog we demonstrate Edge AI solutions for the kinds of real engineering problems that our customers use Reality AI software for every day, running on real hardware they might actually deploy.

What’s Wrong with My Machine Learning Model?

What’s Wrong with My Machine Learning Model?

While building machine learning models on sensor and signal data, many customers hit a point where they're not getting the desired result. Here's a process we go through to find the best path forward.

Successful Data Collection for Machine Learning with Sensors

Successful Data Collection for Machine Learning with Sensors

To get your machine learning model to the point where it’s ready for field testing, you’ll want to collect several thousand observations that cover a broad a range of the variation expected.

Embedded AI and Machine Learning - Adding New Advancements in the Tech Space

Embedded AI and Machine Learning - Adding New Advancements in the Tech Space

As sensor and MCU costs decreased, an ever-increasing number of organizations have attempted to exploit this by adding sensor-driven embedded AI to their products.

Embedded AI – Delivering Results, Managing Constraints

Embedded AI – Delivering Results, Managing Constraints

The more sophisticated machine learning tools that are optimized for signal problems and embedded deployment can cut months, or even years, from an R&D cycle.

Edge AI – Difference Between a Project and a Product

Edge AI – Difference Between a Project and a Product

A project is something created by an individual/small team in a lab and works in a limited range of conditions; a product works everywhere and in all kinds of unpredictable conditions.

Comprehensive AI Engineering Software for Making Smart Edge Devices with Sensors

Comprehensive AI Engineering Software for Making Smart Edge Devices with Sensors

Reality AI Tools 4.0 allows customers to use artificial intelligence to reduce the cost of developing, procuring and manufacturing smart devices.

3 Ways to Make Your Machine Learning Projects Successful

3 Ways to Make Your Machine Learning Projects Successful

Machine learning projects can be successful through understanding ground truth, curating the data and not overtraining a machine learning model.

It’s All About the Features

It’s All About the Features

With the right features, almost any machine learning algorithm will find what you're looking for. Without good features, none will.