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Renesas solutions for minimizing man-hours in developing various applications

We are currently developing a range of Quick and Effective Tool Solutions (QE) as development tools for particular applications. The intention is greater efficiency than existing tools for our development environments. Have you ever wondered "What's the matter with this thing? I understand the development environment, and have pulled the application together, but it still doesn't go!"? We are adding development features for various particular applications to the existing debugging features of our integrated development environments. As they appear, try our new development tools if you are having problems in developing embedded applications.

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FunctionsQEMCUs (Note1)IDEsType of Support
MotorQE for MotorRA, RL78, RXe² studioSoftware development support tool for motors.
You can easily develop software for motors just by operating according to the workflow.
CommunicationsUSBQE for USBRL78, RXe² studioSolving problems at the beginning of USB system development
BLEQE for BLERA, RL78, RX, REe² studioAssisting in development work involving Bluetooth® Low Energy.
DALIQE for Lighting & PowerRL78CS+/e² studioDALI QE for Lighting RL78 ー Assisting in the development of software for lighting systems that comply with the DALI standard.
You can easily develop software for lighting systems by simply operating according to the workflow.
OTAQE for OTARX, RL78, RAe² studioQE for OTA is a development assistance tool that enables easy trial of over-the-air (OTA) firmware updates with cloud services (AWS, Azure).
TCP/IPQE for TCP/IPRXe² studioChecking communications problems originating in TCP/IP. (RX family from Renesas running the M3S-T4-Tiny TCP/IP protocol stack.)
SCIQE for UARTRXe² studioInitial settings for UART communications and the debugging of communications processing
CANNetwork VerificationRH850CS+You can debug CAN communication applications without actually being connected to the companion peripheral device. This allows early debugging of network functions.
CAN Communication Time Measurement SolutionRH850CS+Measuring response times in CAN bus transfer (up to the start of processing by the program after reception)
GraphicsLCDQE for DisplayRZ, RX, RAe² studioAdjusting timing settings or the image quality of displays (RZ, RA family: for use with display controllers from Renesas)
CameraQE for CameraRZ, RAe² studioInitial adjustment of camera connections and camera module settings (for use with display controllers from Renesas)
SensorsTouchQE for Capacitive TouchRA, RL78, RX, Renesas SynergyTMCS+/e² studioAssisting in the configuration, tuning, and monitoring of touch interfaces.
 QE for AFERA, RXe² studioSupporting in development work of an embedded system that performs high-precision sensing using MCUs containing analog front end (AFE)
OthersQE for Current ConsumptionRL78, RXCS+/e² studioMeasuring current drawn by systems as a whole. It also helps to shorten periods of work on tuning the currents drawn by systems.
Verification Through Fault InjectionRH850CS+Using fault injection it is possible to trigger states that would be difficult to realize on the actual system. This allows effective debugging of processing when errors are detected.
Verification of SafetyRL78, RX, RH850CS+See at a glance if specified variables have been accessed (read or write) by functions (RH850, RX, RL78). Detects when variables in a designated section (while a specified function is running) are written to and indicates this as an error (RH850).
QE for Battery Management (Battery Fuel Gauge)Battery Fuel Gauge ICsCS+Adjusting parameters required for the management of batteries


  1. For more information about supporting devices, please refer to each QE tools page.