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This development assistance tool supports the development of embedded systems which use the camera functions of display controllers from Renesas. It supports MCUs of the RZ/RA Family.
This product is a plug-in which extends the Renesas IDE "e² studio".
This product is available free of charge.


  • Easy Settings for the Timing of Input Signals from Cameras
  • Easy Alterations to the Operation of the Camera Module
  • Support for the Debugging of Images Captured by Cameras
  • Check the Results of the Settings on the Actual Camera & Display
  • Generate a Header File Which Reflects the Settings for Use in Projects
  • Learn More

Release Information

Product NameLatest Ver.ReleasedTarget Device(Note1)DetailsDownloadOperating Environment
QE for Camera[RZ]V1.1.12020/04/07RZ FamilySee Release NoteDownload
e² studio plug-in
Operating Environment
QE for Camera[RA]V1.0.02025/01/24RA FamilySee Release NoteDownload

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Target Devices


Type Title Date
Software & Tools - Software Log in to Download ZIP 22.24 MB 日本語
Software & Tools - Other Log in to Download ZIP 2.45 MB 日本語
2 items

Design & Development

Sample Code

Related Boards & Kits

Additional Details


Easy Settings for the Timing of Input Signals from Cameras

The GUI allows the easy adjustment of the timing settings of a camera during testing. GUI displays with appropriate settings for various RZ/A target boards or custom boards for development are set up by selecting a target board or setting custom board configurations (Note1). The settings corresponding to those in the GUI display are created in a header file for direct incorporation in projects. If the value of a setting is not in accordance with the MCU spec., it is marked as being in error. This makes it easy for users to identify problems.


  1. Only the RZ/A2M supports MIPI-standard cameras.

Easy Alterations to the Operation of the Camera Module

Operation settings such as the image format and capture size of the camera module to be connected can be specified by sending a parameter file (csv file) from QE for Camera.


Support for the Debugging of Images Captured by Cameras

Even for a system that has no display device, such as a surveillance camera, interlinking with the in-memory image display function of the e² studio allows you to check images in the buffers for the VDC5.


Check the Results of the Settings on the Actual Camera & Display

A single button press writes the current settings to registers, so you can check the results for the actual camera and LCD panel. This tool also has a mode for automatically writing the changes to registers every time a setting is changed.


Generate a Header File Which Reflects the Settings for Use in Projects

When you have finished the settings, the settings corresponding to those in the GUI display are created in a header file for direct incorporation in projects. QE for VDC5 can also operate in conjunction with the Supported Sample Programs.


Supported Sample Programs

Product NameSample Program
QE for Camera[RZ]RZ/A1LU Software Package
RZ/A2M Software Package
RZ/A1H Group, RZ/A1M Group, RZ/A1LU Group, RZ/A1L Group, RZ/A1LC Group RZ/A1 Framework