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e² studio is an Eclipse-based integrated development environment (IDE) for Renesas MCUs. In addition to Eclipse’s own powerful code editor, e² studio offers a rich range of extended functions. e² studio covers all development processes, from the downloading of sample code to debugging. For the latest information, select your device family below and see the e² studio information page for each device:

[Upgrade to Version] e² studio 2025-01 (PDF | English, 日本語)
e² studio 2025-01 is released. See toolnews for more details.

RA Family*   RZ Family   RL78 Family   RX Family   RH850 Family   RISC-V MCU

*The FSP installer is available at the RA family and RZ family information page.

Operating Environment


  • The e² studio IDE covers all aspects of development.
  • Easily Create Projects and Code Especially for Renesas MCUs.
  • Easy-to-Use Eclipse C/C++ Development Tooling (CDT) Editor
  • Simple Settings for Building through a GUI; Select a Compiler from Renesas or Our Partner Vendors.
  • High-Spec. Debugging Functions in Combination with the Standard GNU Debugger (GDB)
  • High Expandability as an Eclipse-Based IDE
  • QE: Tools for Assisting in Application Development in the e² studio
  • Reuse Existing Resources by Importing Projects from Other IDEs.
  • Additional_Details

Target Devices

Target Families

See the information page for each family for details of Target Devices. 
*Please contact Renesas sales division for RE Family. 
*For Renesas Synergy users, please refer to e² studio for Renesas Synergy™. 
*RE family and Renesas Synergy™ are not supported by e² studio Linux Host version. 
*SH family is only compatible with projects for SH family devices prior to V5.4.0.


Type Title Date
Upgrade - IDE Log in to Download RUN 1,528.26 MB 日本語
Upgrade - IDE Log in to Download ZIP 1,652.42 MB 日本語
Upgrade - IDE Log in to Download XZ 748.64 MB 日本語
3 items


Type Title Date
Release Note PDF 3.22 MB
Tool News - Release PDF 174 KB 日本語
Flyer PDF 1017 KB 日本語 , 简体中文
Tool News - Release PDF 191 KB 日本語
Tool News - Release PDF 181 KB 日本語
Tool News - Note PDF 146 KB 日本語
Tool News - Release PDF 175 KB 日本語
7 items

Design & Development


Videos & Training

e² studio Tips: Program Execution Methods During Debugging

This video demonstrates various ways to execute a program during debugging in e² studio.

Video List

Additional Details

The e² studio IDE covers all aspects of development.

  • You can view sample code for Renesas MCUs, middleware, and information on products from the Renesas Web site via the Smart Browser in the e² studio.
  • The GUI environment makes complex MCU settings easy. The extended functions (such as the Smart Configurator and various QE (Quick and Effective tool solution)) support efficiency in development.
  • Eclipse’s handy native editor provides powerful assistance in coding.
  • You can choose a compiler from Renesas or our partner vendors for use in building from code.
  • You can connect an emulator from Renesas (such as the E2 or E2 Lite) or from our partner vendors for debugging.


For details on the functions and tools supported for a family, refer to the information page for family



Easily Create Projects and Code Especially for Renesas MCUs.

You can generate projects for Renesas MCUs through simple operations of the e² studio. Select the MCU and the compiler to be used in the wizard function to generate a project which includes basic sample code. This allows you to immediately start building or debugging a project.

Adjusting the source code of a generated project to suit the specifications of a development board can be complicated. However, the e² studio’s code generators can help you resolve this. For example, you can easily set clocks, pins, and interrupts of the MCU with the Smart Configurator. Also, you can then automatically generate code which includes those settings. Downloading or importing middleware and making the various settings required for code generation are also possible.
See here for details of the Smart Configurator. >>

For detailed information on generating code for a family, refer to the information pages for the family.


Easy-to-Use Eclipse C/C++ Development Tooling (CDT) Editor

The Eclipse CDT (C/C++ Development Tooling) editor built into e² studio offers extremely powerful functionality specifically designed for C/C++ developers. These features include:

  • Automatic code complementation (variable names, function names, structure and union members, #define symbols, correction of code format, spell-checking, etc.)
  • Keyword color coding of source code for easy recognition of special strings, syntax, condition statements
  • Powerful code navigation (Project browser, functions or variables by including #include, functions, hierarchical types, Jump to definition of functions or macros)
  • Comment and code folding options
  • Automated code constructs (if, while, do..while etc.)
  • Pre-processor checking in edit (#ifdef code low-lighted if not true)
  • Code refactoring (Changing name of variable at once, Simplifying function codes)

For detailed information on compilers supported for a family, refer to the information pages for the family




Simple Settings for Building through a GUI; Select a Compiler from Renesas or Our Partner Vendors.

The compilers from Renesas and our partner vendors can be used in combination for building. Note that each compiler must be separately installed, since a compiler is not included as part of the e² studio product. Installing several compilers gives you a choice of which one to use.

A GUI allows you to set up the whole toolchain and automatically generates a 'makefile' for use in building.

Please refer to the information page for each family for information on support for each family.



High-Spec. Debugging Functions in Combination with the Standard GNU Debugger (GDB)

The standard GDB debugger of the Eclipse CDT provides basic functions such as displaying register values, operations on memory, setting of breakpoints, and control of execution. In addition to those general debugging functions, high-performance functions such as real-time memory display, real-time tracing, peripheral register display, and breaks by events in the hardware of Renesas MCUs are available. You can also use various emulators (the E2, E2 emulator Lite, E20, or J-Link from Segger) in combination with the e² studio.

Please refer to the information page for each family for information on support for each family.


High Expandability as an Eclipse-Based IDE

The e² studio consists of the open-source Eclipse integrated environment framework, CDT plug-in, and various plug-ins from Renesas and our partner vendors. This structure makes it easy to add or update compilers and plug-ins, making the e² studio a highly multi-functional and expandable IDE.

In addition to the tool plug-ins from Renesas and our partner vendors related to building, coding, and debugging, many open-source plug-ins, some of which you may find handy, are available for use in development.

For details, refer to the documents for the Eclipse platform and CDT plug-in on the Eclipse Web site (

Renesas is also making an expanding range of tools, such as QE (Quick and Effective Tool Solutions), available for installation as plug-ins.


QE: Tools for Assisting in Application Development in the e² studio

Installing QE tools for assisting in application development expands the functionality of the e² studio and easily starts applications. A QE provides a GUI that will guide you in setting up the various functions you require and incorporates knowhow for the development of the given functions.
For example, the QE for Capacitive Touch provides you with a GUI for setting touch buttons and adjusting tuning parameters. The QE for Display provides GUI sliders that allow you to adjust image quality while checking the results on the actual display.

QE(Quick and Effective tool solution)


Reuse Existing Resources by Importing Projects from Other IDEs.

With the project importing function, you can immediately transfer projects from the CS+ Integrated Development Environment (IDE) or High-performance Embedded Workshop from Renesas to the e² studio. The e² studio is also capable of exporting projects for use with CS+.

These functions are supported for V2.1 and later versions of the e² studio, V3.00.00 and later versions of CS+, and V2.00.00 and later versions of CubeSuite+.
See here for details. >>
