Processing table
Function |
Pkg. Code |
Pkg. Type |
Lead Count (#) |
Price (USD) | 1ku |
型名 | |||||
組み込み型人工知能(AI)搭載ファームウエアを内蔵した室内空気質(IAQ)センサモジュールIC | Air Quality Sensor Module for TVOC | LHW20 | LGA | 20 | 2.403 |
シングルチャネルNDIR CO2モジュール(温湿度センサ付き) | Single-Channel NDIR CO2 Sensor with Humidity and Temperature | MN0009AA | MODULE | 9 | 15.38 |
PM2.5、相対湿度、温度、TVOC、eCO2検出用のオールインワン統合センサーモジュール | All-in-One Integrated Sensor Module for IAQ Monitoring | MN0006AA | MODULE | 6 | 20.45 |
Tips for Using This Parametric Table:
- Hide Filters button in header: Collapse or expands filters
- Column sort buttons in header: Sort Column alphabetically / numerically descending or ascending
- Reset button in header: Reset all filters to the page default
- Full Screen button in header: Expand the table to full screen view (user must close out of full screen before they can interact with rest of page)
- Export button in header: Export the filtered results of the table to an Excel document
- Filter parts search bar in header: Type to filter table results by part number
- Hide column button in column headers: Select to hide columns in table
- AND / OR toggle switches in header: Toggles the logic of this particular filter to be “AND” or “OR” logic for filtering results
- Multiselect checkboxes at beginning of each row in table: Select these checkboxes to compare products against each other
- Document icon next to product name in row: View the featured document for this product
- Chip icon next to the right of the document icon in row: View the block diagram for this product
- Cart icon to the right of the chip icon: Indicates that samples are available for this product