


Timing Commander™は、Windows™ベースの革新的なソフトウェアプラットフォームで、システム設計を行うエンジニアは、直感的かつ柔軟なグラフィカルユーザインタフェース(GUI)により、高度なタイミングデバイスの構成、プログラミング、モニタリングが行えます。このサポートツールで開発サイクルを加速し、業界をリードするルネサスのクロックソリューションの構成を最適化することができます。

Timing Commanderプラットフォームは、ルネサスのさまざまな製品や製品ファミリ向けに、パーソナリティと呼ばれるユーザフレンドリな設定インタフェースを提供するよう設計されています。クリックを数回するだけで、包括的でインタラクティブなブロック図が表示されます。入力値や出力値など、さまざまな構成設定を目的に応じて変更することができます。このソフトウェアは、計算、ステータスモニタのレポート、レジスタ設定を自動的に行うことができるため、データシートを参照する必要がなくなります。また、このツールは、USBを介してルネサス評価ボードに構成設定を自動的に読み込むため、回路内で迅速に適用することができます。デバイスの構成が完了し、最適なシステム性能を実現する調整が済んだら、構成ファイルを保存し、工場出荷前にプログラミングすることができます。


Timing Commander product personality files are available for download from the product page specific to your device. Type your product number in the search bar to find the product page. The file download is located in the Documentation & Downloads section of that page.


  • デバイスのブロック図のズームイン/ズームアウトが可能で、各ブロックをクリックすると、機能の詳細を確認して、主要パラメータを切り替えることができます。
  • 入力フィールドにマウスポインタを置くと詳細情報が表示されるため、データシートを参照する必要がありません。
  • 分数入力構文により、無限小数の問題を回避できます。
  • 設定が完了した入力フィールドを保護する機能、必要に応じてレジスタ設定を個別またはグループで直接表示して修正する機能などがあり、究極の柔軟性を実現します。
  • デバイスに応じた高度な機能としては、位相ノイズプロットの生成、スキーマシンボルや終端回路の生成、推定消費電力の計算などがあります。


Timing Commander System Requirements:

  • Windows XP SP3 or later
  • Processor: Minimum 1GHz
  • Memory: Minimum 512MB, recommended 1GB
  • Available Disk Space: Min 600MB (1.5GB 64bit), recommended 1GB (2GB 64bit)
  • Network access during installation if the .NET framework and SQL compact are not currently installed on the system.
  • Windows Administrative permissions to install software.
  • USB 2.0 interface. The evaluation board USB module is not compatible with USB 3.0. The hardware drivers are automatically installed during the Timing Commander installation.



分類 タイトル 日時
ソフトウェア/ツール-ソフトウェア ログインしてダウンロード ZIP 18.02 MB


分類 タイトル 日時
アプリケーションノート PDF 348 KB
マニュアル-開発ツール PDF 418 KB
マニュアル-ソフトウェア PDF 1.50 MB
マニュアル-ソフトウェア PDF 1.65 MB
マニュアル-ソフトウェア PDF 2.04 MB
マニュアル-ソフトウェア PDF 1.93 MB
マニュアル-ソフトウェア PDF 1011 KB
ガイド PDF 332 KB
その他資料 PDF 130 KB


IDT Timing Commander™ Software Overview


IDT's innovative support tool, Timing Commander™, expedites development cycles by empowering customers to program sophisticated timing devices with an intuitive and flexible Graphical User Interface. IDT's Timing Commander is a Windows™-based platform designed to serve user-friendly configuration interfaces, known as personalities, for various IDT products and product families. With a few simple clicks, the user is presented with a comprehensive, interactive block diagram offering the ability to modify desired input values, output values, and other configuration settings. The software automatically makes calculations, reports status monitors, and prepares register settings without the need to reference a datasheet. The tool also automatically loads the configuration settings over USB to an IDT evaluation board for immediate application in the circuit. Once the device has been configured and tuned for optimal system performance, the configuration file can be saved for factory-level programming before shipment. For more information about Timing Commander, visit our Timing Commander page.



Narrator: In a data driven world, timing is everything. That's why more and more system design engineers are using products from the world leader in silicon timing, IDT. IDT has earned its reputation for excellence by providing a wide range of leading technologies for wireless and wired communications infrastructure, high performance computing, and advanced power management.

And with a product portfolio 10 times greater than the competition, IDT is uniquely qualified to be your one-stop-shop for timing solutions. IDT's innovative Windows-based software platform, Timing Commander, makes it easy to configure, program, and monitor all your sophisticated timing devices.

Steven: What's great about IDT's Timing Commander is that it helps you avoid tedious manageable configurations so you can focus on other areas of your design.

Narrator: IDT's Timing Commander serves up intuitive configuration interfaces or personalities for all of IDT's programmable timing products. With a few simple clicks, you can generate a comprehensive, interactive block diagram and modified desired input values, output values, and other configuration settings. The software also writes your settings over USB to an IDT evaluation board for immediate application in the circuit. It really is as easy as one, two, three.

Steven: The Timing Commander software automatically makes calculations, monitors status, and prepares register settings so you don't have to reference a data sheet. Built-in documentation is readily available. Just hover over a setting, and real time validation ensures that the configuration complies with data sheet specifications. Whether you're a first time user or an experienced engineer, Timing Commander offers you the right amount of control.

Narrator: To help you program complex devices more intuitively, Timing Commander's advanced features include the ability to create phase noise estimates, generate the schematic symbol and termination circuit and determine the optimal balance between performance and power consumption.

Steven: Once your devices are configured and tuned for optimal system performance, you can save the configuration files for factory-level programming prior to shipment.

Narrator: Timing Commander is just one example of the innovative timing solutions IDT delivers.

Peter: From simple fanout buffers and multiplexers to fully featured products like universal frequency translators, network synchronization devices, and VersaClock families, IDT has a wide range of products optimized for specific applications. You can also count on IDT for the lowest jitter and lowest power features to help you build the world class products your customers demand.

Narrator: It's time to put IDT timing solutions to work for your business, and with the power of Timing Commander software, it's easier than ever. To learn more, visit IDT online or give us a call today.