The 525-04 OSCaRTM is the most flexible way to generate a high quality, high frequency differential PECL clock output from a crystal or CMOS clock input. The name OSCaRTM stands for Oscillator Replacement, as it is designed to replace crystal oscillators in almost any electronic system. Users can easily configure the device to produce nearly any output frequency from any input frequency by grounding or floating the select pins. Neither microcontroller, software, nor device programmer are needed to set the frequency. Using Phase Locked Loop techniques, the device accepts a crystal or clock to produce output clocks up to 156 MHz at 3.3V, keeping them frequency locked together. For simple multipliers to produce common frequencies, refer to the Loco™ family of parts, which are smaller and more cost effective. This product is intended for clock generation. It has low output jitter (variation in the output period), but input to output skew and jitter are not defined nor guaranteed. For applications which require defined input to output timing, use the 527-02.
- Packaged as 28 pin SSOP (150 mil body)
- Highly accurate frequency generation
- User determines the output frequency by setting all internal dividers
- Eliminates need for custom oscillators
- No software needed
- Pull-ups on select inputs
- Input crystal frequency of 5 - 27 MHz
- Input clock frequency of 2 - 50 MHz
- Output clock frequencies up to 156 MHz at 3.3V
- Output clock frequencies up to 200 MHz at 5V
- Very low jitter
- PECL levels set by external resistors
- Operating voltage of 3.3V or 5V
- Ideal for oscillator replacement
- Industrial temperature version available
- Advanced, low power CMOS process
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