


Edge Impulse empowers ML teams to run AI at peak performance on any edge device, with unmatched ease and speed. The combination of the RA8, the first Cortex M85 MCU in the market, and Edge Impulse enables users to create ultrafast edge AI applications using Arm HeliumTM technology. Support is now available for the RA8 MCU series, with specifically the RA8D1 MCU allowing image applications to be generated.



  • Low to no-code development solution making it easier to build valuable datasets and develop advanced ML applications
  • Extremely fast vector calculus, thanks to the Arm HeliumTM technology, enables high performance of machine learning models
  • Image based AI applications will be implemented using Arm HeliumTM for the first time
  • Choices between several image classification and detection algorithms can allow entry into new markets
  • FOMO (Faster Objects, More Objects) object detection model included; combined with the RA8 creates a unique solution for facial/person detection applications with a small memory footprint and low latency



  • Smart Sensors
  • Industrial IoT
  • Predictive Maintenance 
  • Animal Monitoring
  • Fraud Detection
  • People Counting


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製品概要 PDF 689 KB