


Quantropi’s® Quantum TLS (TLS-Q) is a quantum-secure addition to the RTOS TLS stack while maintaining reliability, flexibility, and performance. This is the ideal solution to deal with the prospect of breaking classical cryptography by advancements in AI and Quantum Computing. All IoT applications running common real-time operating systems (RTOS) can be configured to use TLS-Q and gain immediate quantum security that works with existing networks. TLS-Q in QiSpace for IoT series supports common real-time operating systems including Eclipse ThreadX, FreeRTOS, and Zephyr and is available for the Renesas RA family of MCUs.


  • Quantum-secure data and communications between cloud and IoT devices
  • MASQ™ featuring crypto-agile suite of PQC algorithms providing authentication and key exchange with smaller signature sizes and better performance
  • QEEP™ featuring quantum-secure symmetric encryption with a small dynamic code footprint
  • SEQUR™ featuring quantum random numbers generated and delivered quantum-securely for the strongest keys



  • Aerospace
  • Automotive
  • Industrial IoT
  • Infrastructure
  • Medical
  • Telecom


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