

The FT 6050 EVK is a complete hardware and software platform for creating or evaluating LON, LON/IP, BACnet/IP or BACnet MS/TP devices based on the Series 6000 Smart Transceivers and Neuron® Processors

The FT 6050 EVK is a complete hardware and software platform for creating or evaluating IoT devices based on a Renesas Smart Transceiver or Neuron® chip. You can use the FT 6050 EVK to create devices such as VAV controllers, thermostats, card-access readers, lighting ballasts, motor controls and many other devices. These devices can be used in a variety of systems including building and lighting controls, factory automation, energy management, and transportation systems. Whether you’re building large or small control network devices, IP-enabled LON® or BACnet devices, the FT 6050 EVK makes your project development faster, easier, and more affordable.


  • Two FT 6050 EVB hardware platforms for initial application development and testing
  • Sample I/O hardware with a 4x20 character LCD display for easy I/O prototyping and testing
  • IzoT® NodeBuilder® software for application development
  • IzoT Commissioning Tool for easy installation and testing of control networks
  • One U10 USB FT Network Interface
  • A set of five FT 6050 Smart Transceiver chips
  • Neuron C Network Communications Extensions
    • Functional blocks
    • Network variables (datapoints)
    • Configuration properties
    • Application and foreign-frame messages
  • Neuron C I/O Objects
    • Please see datasheet for a complete list
  • Supported BACnet device profiles
    • B-SS – Smart Sensor
    • B-SA – Smart Actuator
    • B-ASC – Application Specific Controller
    • B-AAC – Advanced Application Controller
  • Supported BACnet object types
    • Analog Input
    • Analog Output
    • Binary Input
    • Binary Output
    • Device Object
  • Supported BACnet services
    • Change of Value (COV)
    • Read Property
    • Read Property Multiple
    • Write Property
    • Application Image Download
    • Out of Service
  • Supports development of LON, LON /IP, BACnet/IP or BACnet MS/TP devices on a common platform
  • Open source Wireshark network protocol analyzer can be used to capture, analyze, characterize, and display network packets so you can pinpoint network or device faults and identify potential solutions
  • Facilitates:
    • Creation of autonomous communities of devices with the ability to discover each other
    • A rich set of standard and interoperable device profiles
    • Creation of meaningful and functional bindings between devices
    • Secure group messaging between devices
    • IP addressing down to the device level
    • An easy-to-use programming environment



  • LON
  • LON/IP
  • BACnet/IP
  • BACnet MS/TP






FT 6050 Free Topology