


The world’s lowest power wireless sensor kit is a complete solution for a multi-sensor node letting users develop multiple applications on the same hardware and it supports different use cases through firmware. Offering fifteen degrees of freedom (15-DOF) it manages more sensors than any other kit. Data can be processed locally, transmitted via Bluetooth® Low Energy 5.0 and reported using Amazon’s Alexa voice command technology.

Developed on the basis of TDK InvenSense motion and Bosch Sensortec environmental sensors, the DA14585 IoT Multi-Sensor Development Kit combines Bluetooth wireless communications and an Arm® Cortex®-M0 processor with an accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer, and environmental sensors. Altogether that helps reduce development time, enables rapid proof of concept and accelerates time to market for long-lifetime, fully-featured IoT applications.

The DA14585 IoT Multi-Sensor kit also includes SmartFusion™, Renesas' unique software library for data acquisition, calibration and motion vector generation. Ideal for resource-constrained systems, it minimizes memory, processing requirements and power consumption.


  • Faster time-to-market
  • Reduced development effort and resources for cloud-based applications
  • Flexible and modular system setup
  • Ideal for resource-constrained applications
  • Longest battery lifetime sensor-based applications
  • Small form factor end-product


  • Board size: round shape +/- 70mm x 20mm
  • Integrated front-end module supports ranges up to 300 meters
  • 15-DOF wireless sensor module
  • DA14585 low power Bluetooth Low Energy (5.0) SoC
  • ICM42605 6-axis motion tracking sensor
  • AK09915 3-axis geomagnetic field sensor
  • BME680 low power environmental unit (gas, pressure, temperature, and humidity)
  • Proximity and ambient light sensor with IR LED
  • Digital microphone
  • Buzzer


  • Smart tags/beacons
  • Cloud connected wireless sensors
  • Asset tracking
  • Voice controlled sensor reading
  • Voice controlled actuator settings
  • Wearables
  • Immersive gaming
  • Augmented reality
  • 3D indoor mapping/navigation
  • Weather stations





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DA14585 IoT Multi Sensor Kit