


The DAQ on a Stick with Honeywell Pressure Sensor uses Renesas' data acquisition (DAQ) on a stick reference design with Honeywell's NBP Series-Uncompensated/Unamplified 0psi to 30psi basic board mount pressure sensor. This demo shows a complete signal chain solution from the Honeywell sensor, signal conditioning using Renesas' precision parts and a Renesas microcontroller. The complete reference design is conveniently housed in a USB stick form factor with a plug-in sensor board. This compact design draws power through the USB port and uses a graphical user interface (GUI) to display the real-time voltage readings from the pressure sensor. The board image on this page shows the DAQ on a stick connected to an external pressure sensor. Pressure is applied to the Honeywell sensor via a syringe.

The image below shows a simplified schematic of the pressure sensor design. The design uses the Honeywell NBPLLNN030PGUNV 0psi to 30psi basic board mount pressure sensor, the Renesas ISL28134 chopper amplifier, ISL22316 digitally controlled potentiometer (DCP), ISL43840 dual 4-channel multiplexer (Mux) configured as a differential Mux, ISL21010 4.096V voltage reference, ISL21010 3.3V voltage reference, ISL26102 24-bit Delta-Sigma converter, and R5F10JBC (RL78/G1C) microcontroller.

The installation application includes the following items:

  • GUI software
  • Desktop shortcut for easy access
  • Application note and schematics

WEEE Questionnaire: The WEEE Return Questionnaire is intended for the return of EEEs supplied by Renesas Electronics Europe to its customers in the European Union only.

Disclaimer: THIS MATERIAL IS PROVIDED “AS-IS” FOR EVALUATION PURPOSES ONLY. RENESAS ELECTRONICS CORPORATION AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES (collectively, “Renesas”) DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND MERCHANTABILITY. Renesas provides evaluation platforms and design proposals to help our customers to develop products. However, factors beyond Renesas' control, including without limitation, component variations, temperature changes and PCB layout, could significantly affect the product performance. It is the user’s responsibility to verify the actual circuit performance.


  • Self-contained demo platform
  • 24-bit ADC with programmable sample rate
  • Zero-drift amplifiers
  • Real-time graphing on GUI


  • Pressure Sensing


分類 タイトル 日時
マニュアル-開発ツール PDF 1.09 MB
データシート PDF 1.28 MB
データシート PDF 2.69 MB
データシート PDF 3.32 MB
データシート PDF 1017 KB
データシート PDF 1.30 MB
データシート PDF 748 KB




分類 タイトル 日時
ライブラリ EXE 14.85 MB
PCB設計ファイル ZIP 759 KB