
Extended Compiler Support License Registration

This page is provided for customers wishing to register the purchase of a support period extension / support contract / extension contract.

To register, please fill out the registration form below. Please note that not all fields apply to all products, for instance, "Site code" only applies to compiler products.

This registration page is to register the purchase of any Renesas compiler product (including a High-performance Embedded workshop) with a network license entitlement. Part numbers for compiler products with entitlement to a network license include -N1-, -N5-, -1UL or -5UL suffixes.

If a license transfer is required, please use the Renesas Electronics Europe Compiler License Transfer Request Form (PDF).

Registration Form


Product Details

Found on the customer information sheet, e.g. YS32HEWMCSSH-1-18, YRTAHEW-H81UL.

Shown in HEW tools administration.

5 or 6 digits, found on the customer information sheet accompanying the compiler product.

Serial number of the compiler product for which you are extending the support arrangements.

Found on the customer information sheet for the compiler product.


Contact Details


Application Details


Terms and Conditions

By submitting this form, you agree to accept the Renesas Electronics Europe Ltd. Terms and Conditions for Product Support (PDF)


(* indicates a mandatory field)