
DevCon 2015: Harbrick PolySync and Renesas R-Car H2


For the past several years we’ve been developing PolySync, an out-of-box operating system for autonomous vehicles. PolySync is a software platform specially made to help developers build, test, and deploy automated vehicle applications quickly. We built PolySync after working with some of the world’s most advanced automated driving developers. We saw a common problem: they spent a lot of time building the back-end software infrastructure for their systems, leaving less resources to design and test advanced algorithms. PolySync is a software platform that solves key challenges to autonomous vehicle development, giving users the tools to build functional safety and security into their applications from prototyping through serial production. With PolySync, autonomy system development is more like mobile app development. That means that you can assemble the back end in minutes, leaving all your focus for the algorithms.