This video discusses the ISL1801, sPMIC for Micro-Converter Bias and Drivers, at APEC 2013.
My name is George Liang. I'm here attending the 2013 APEC Conference in Long Beach. Today I would like to introduce the ISL1801. This is our compact high-voltage power management IC device for micro solar converters. It has a 90V on-chip LDO, has complete overcurrent protection with an input buck switching regulator included inside the PMIC. It also has a dual high-speed gate driver inside and has current limited for the third driver. It has two dedicated amplifiers for accurate, current sensing and also integrated watch-dog timer. This IC combines the power management function and the bias supply voltage, including driver circuit, into one chip. It was designed for micro-inverter applications. It can also be used for UPS applications as well.