Results: 164 webinars
Open source. Open standards. Open platforms. These keywords describe how Renesas and OpenSynergy envision the future, by investing in open technologies to make the automotive industry more flexible and independent. The Virtual I/O Device (VIRTIO™) standard and the Automotive Grade Linux (AGL) platform are open source projects accelerating the development of new features and technologies for automotive cockpit solutions. They are on the way to serve as de facto automotive industry standards.
In this free, 60-minute webinar, Thomas Bruss (Renesas) and Isaac Trefz (OpenSynergy) will deliver a unique insight into how open source projects are creating a more independent and flexible automotive industry.
Key topics & takeaways:
• Discover how Open Standards can save future mobility stakeholders time and cost
• Learn how the AGL platform can accelerate the development of new features &technologies
• Understand the impact of the VIRTIO standard on hardware and software choice
• Find out about the Renesas OSS strategy, which simplifies VIRTIO integration
• Gain insight into OpenSynergy's VIRTIO-based Hypervisor, which runs AGL on a joint reference platform with Renesas
In this free, 60-minute webinar, Thomas Bruss (Renesas) and Isaac Trefz (OpenSynergy) will deliver a unique insight into how open source projects are creating a more independent and flexible automotive industry.
Key topics & takeaways:
• Discover how Open Standards can save future mobility stakeholders time and cost
• Learn how the AGL platform can accelerate the development of new features &technologies
• Understand the impact of the VIRTIO standard on hardware and software choice
• Find out about the Renesas OSS strategy, which simplifies VIRTIO integration
• Gain insight into OpenSynergy's VIRTIO-based Hypervisor, which runs AGL on a joint reference platform with Renesas
Microcontrollers & Microprocessors
In this webinar, we will briefly review EFTs and the issues they can cause, and then look at how Renesas' RAA78815x transceivers have the industry's highest EFT immunity and are thus the perfect solution for EFT issues.
Microcontrollers & Microprocessors
Find out how to develop embedded products that are adaptable to design changes directly from embedded hardware subject matter of experts from Renesas and embedded GUI experts from Crank Software. Join this webinar session to learn about the latest hardware - 64-bit general-purpose RZ/G2L MPUs and PMICs (Power Management ICs)- enhancing your embedded products’ solution. Also, experience how easy it is to develop GUI apps with the Storyboard through a live demo.
Solving the problem of security in your next IoT design has never been easier with the Cypherbridge SDKPac with TrustZone support integrated on the Renesas RA MCU product line. In this webinar, users will learn more about Cypherbridge Azure RTOS Solution Kits to check the boxes for design wins and accelerate time-to-market. As a Microsoft Cloud solution provider, Cypherbridge delivers tailored solutions from device to cloud, integrating embedded security and root of trust, driving edge node sensors and actuators, and securely connecting device telemetry to Azure IoT cloud services. Their value in the Renesas and Microsoft ecosystems includes project ready Azure RTOS SDKs, design services, and long term technical support from legacy to new product designs.
RZ/A2Mは、モバイル機器で広く使われているMIPIカメラインタフェースに対応し、HMI(Human Machine Interface)の中でもカメラを使ったアプリケーションに適しています。また、画像処理向けの大きな特長として、入力画像を高速処理する動的再構成プロセッサ、DRP(Dynamically Reconfigurable Processor)を搭載しています。DRPは、RZファミリの一部製品に内蔵された特殊なハードウェアであり、従来の組み込みプロセッサに比べ、10倍以上高速に画像処理できるアクセラレータとして、家電から産業機器まで幅広いシステムの画像認識アプリケーションに適用できます。
・DSP(Digital Signal Processing)とは
・RX MCUをDSPに適用するメリット
・DSP(Digital Signal Processing)とは
・RX MCUをDSPに適用するメリット
Microcontrollers & Microprocessors
Currently, around 25 million devices exchange data via BACnet, which appeared in its first version in 1995. Now the manufacturer-independent communication standard is fit for the requirements of digitalisation with a secured communication structure based on TLS 1.3.
Manufacturers face the challenge of integrating the new structures with encrypted communication into new product series.
In this webinar, you will learn more about BACnet/SC and get an answer to the question why Renesas offers unique advantages with the RA series together with the BACnet stack powered by MBS.
Manufacturers face the challenge of integrating the new structures with encrypted communication into new product series.
In this webinar, you will learn more about BACnet/SC and get an answer to the question why Renesas offers unique advantages with the RA series together with the BACnet stack powered by MBS.
Sensor Products
In this webinar, you will learn:
• How the PMOD type 6A hardware architecture makes it simple to connect to any Renesas development kit
• How the integrated software reduces integration effort by providing software libraries and simple software APIs
• How the combined hardware and software solution of the Renesas Quick Connect system simplifies the transition from prototype to production
• How the PMOD type 6A hardware architecture makes it simple to connect to any Renesas development kit
• How the integrated software reduces integration effort by providing software libraries and simple software APIs
• How the combined hardware and software solution of the Renesas Quick Connect system simplifies the transition from prototype to production
Microcontrollers & Microprocessors
Designing stylish graphical user interfaces requires engineering and artistic skills, but artists aren't engineers and engineers aren't artists. Teamwork is required and GUILIANI, along with its WYSIWYG tool GSE, is designed to keep everybody happy; even management because GUILIANI helps to keep projects on time and on budget. This webinar will focus on the RA6M3 MCU, which is perfect for GUI because it has dedicated GUI features such as the 2D-Drawing-Engine from TES Electronic Solutions.
現在のミリ波 5G無線システムの課題
5Gフロントエンドのエンド ツー エンドRF設計を実現するルネサスの完全なICポートフォリオ
現在のミリ波 5G無線システムの課題
5Gフロントエンドのエンド ツー エンドRF設計を実現するルネサスの完全なICポートフォリオ
RZ/A2Mは、モバイル機器で広く使われているMIPIカメラインタフェースに対応し、HMI(ヒューマン・マシン・インタフェース)の中でもカメラを使ったアプリケーションに適しています。特に、画像処理向けの大きな特長として、入力画像を高速処理する動的再構成プロセッサ (DRP ; Dynamically Reconfigurable Processor)を搭載しています。DRPはRZシリーズの一部製品に内蔵された特殊なハードウェアであり、従来の組込プロセッサに比べ10倍以上高速な画像処理が実現できるアクセラレータとして、家電から産業機器まで幅広いシステムの画像認識アプリケーションに適用できます。本オンラインセミナーでは、世界で最も低価格でDRPに触れられるMbed™対応ボードであるGR-MANGOと、無償提供するFreeRTOS™ベースのソフトウェアパッケージを用いて、同梱するDRP Libraryを活用したリアルタイム画像処理のご紹介と実際の使用方法をレクチャーします。
Years of experience with smartphones has taught us to expect a fluid and intuitive user interface on a touchscreen. As touch user interfaces spread to a wider range of devices, device manufacturers are facing challenges as they struggle to deliver a smartphone-like user experience, especially in lower-cost products and markets. Nothing is more likely to break a user’s trust in a device than a touch interface whose response lags their input by too long, or which cannot react consistently to multiple touches. This webinar takes a look at how Qt on Renesas RA6 MCUs can address these concerns.
In this webinar you will learn about the following:
Basic Audio Front End architecture and concepts for voice user interface
Product design considerations for adding voice
Features and capabilities of the Renesas RA6M5 MCU + DSP Concepts TalkTo Audio Front End solution
Basic Audio Front End architecture and concepts for voice user interface
Product design considerations for adding voice
Features and capabilities of the Renesas RA6M5 MCU + DSP Concepts TalkTo Audio Front End solution
In this webinar, participants will learn about a new technology to evaluate a device or system remotely over the cloud: Renesas' Lab on the Cloud, an online platform to access and evaluate Renesas devices and solutions from the comfort of your home. Lab on the Cloud connects users to Renesas evaluation boards and solutions in a one-stop-shop and gives users the capability to perform relevant tests on boards remotely.