The DA29020 is a 5-channel driver for external high-side switches with an integrated charge-pump. It is intended for pulse-width modulation (PWM) operation controlled by an external uC. The device's SPI interface provides a variety of configuration options to optimize EMC performance. The built-in 10-bit ADC allows for measurements of channel currents, various interface voltages and the die temperature. The integrated programmable short-circuit protection, over and undervoltage detection and over-temperature shut-down protect the chip and the load. Operation in harsh environments including ground-shift, ground-loss, strong supply-transients, polarity reversal, and a wiring-harness with significant inductance is supported. A programmable high-voltage control-input and a high-voltage diagnosis-output provide connection to the environment. And, a low-power sleep mode and different selectable wake-up mechanisms help to reduce the system-level power consumption.
- Diagnosis interface
- Glow plug current measurement with total accuracy 3.5%
- Integrated short circuit protection
- Digital measurement of Tj
- TQFP-48 with exposed pad
- Integrated reverse battery protection
- AEC-Q100 qualification
- 10-bit-ADC
- Typ. 14V supply, 30V max.
- Over/Undervoltage detection
- Over-temperature protection
- Integrated gate driver with charge pump
- LDO and SPI interface to external controller
- Integrated gate driver with charge pump
- Adaptive glow plug control system for diesel engines
- Positive temperature coefficient (PTC) heater control
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