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RZ 32 & 64-Bit Microprocessors (MPUs)

The Renesas RZ Family of 32-bit and 64-bit Arm microprocessors (MPUs) enables the solutions required for the smart societies of the future. Through high-performance CPU cores and a variety of accelerators and peripheral functions, engineers can easily implement high-resolution human machine interfaces (HMI), embedded vision, embedded artificial intelligence (e-AI), and real-time control and industrial ethernet connectivity.

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Features of Each RZ Series

RZ MPUs for Artificial Intelligence

RZ/V Series

Embedded with Renesas DRP-AI accelerator delivering high performance AI inference at low power consumption. Build compact designs that can handle real-time AI applications without cooling fans for retail, robotics, home appliances and industrial automation.


RZ MPUs for Human Machine Interface

RZ/A Series

The RZ/A series is an RTOS-based MPU with excellent real-time performance and fast boot time, combining Renesas' proprietary technology and the Arm® ecosystem, while maintaining the ease of use of Renesas MCUs.

RZ/G Series

Ideal for high-end HMI applications with rich graphics, and high-performance IoT edge and IoT gateway with secure high-speed interfaces. Support Linux OS with either Arm® Cortex® architecture or RISC-V architecture.

RZ MPUs for Real-Time Control & Industrial Network

RZ/T Series

Develop real-time control and high-performance application processing with multi-protocol industrial Ethernet support across a wide range of industrial motor control equipment with this scalable group of advanced microprocessors.

RZ/N Series

These networking microprocessors enable designers to develop network platforms with TSN and multi-protocol industrial Ethernet that function both as a controller and device in industrial automation systems.

RZ MPUs Product Portfolio


HMI IoT Edge Real-time Control Industrial Network Vision AI Linux / Android™ / Multi-OS with RTOS RTOS RZ/V Series RZ/N Series RZ/T Series RZ/G Series RZ/G Series RZ/A Series 1.0GHz Cortex-A55, DDR4/3L, CAN-FD, ADC RZ/G2UL 1.2GHz Dual-core Cortex-A55, DDR4/3L, 3DG, CAN-FD RZ/G2LC 400MHz Cortex-A9, 2MB RAM, LCDC, Ethernet, USB RZ/A1LC 1.2GHz Dual-core Cortex-A55, DDR4/3L, 3DG, H.264, CAN-FD RZ/G2L 400MHz Cortex-A9, 3MB RAM, LCDC, Ethernet, USB RZ/A1L 1.2GHz Dual-core Cortex-A53, DDR3L, 3DG, H.264/5 RZ/G2E 1.0GHz Dual-core Cortex-A7, DDR3, 3DG, H.264 RZ/G1E 400MHz Cortex-A9, 3MB RAM, LCDC, JPEG, Ethernet, USB RZ/A1LU 1.5GHz Dual-core Cortex-A57, LPDDR4, 3DG, H.264/5 RZ/G2N 1.5GHz Dual-core Cortex-A15, DDR3L, 3DG, H.264 RZ/G1N 1.0GHz Cortex-A55, DDR4/3L, LCDC, GbEthernet, USB RZ/A3UL 400MHz Cortex-A9, 5MB RAM, LCDC, JPEG Ethernet, USB RZ/A1M 1.5GHz Dual-core Cortex- A57 + Cortex-A53, LPDDR4, 3DG, H.264/5 RZ/G2M 1.5GHz Dual-core Cortex-A15, DDR3L, 3DG, H.264 RZ/G1M 528MHz Cortex-A9, 4MB RAM, LCDC, JPEG, MIPI-CSI, Ethernet, USB RZ/A2M 400MHz Cortex-A9, 10MB RAM, LCDC, JPEG, Ethernet, USB RZ/A1H 1.5GHz Quad-core Cortex- A57 + Cortex-A53, LPDDR4, 3DG, H.264/5 RZ/G2H 1.4GHz Quad-core Cortex- A15 Cortex-A7, DDR3, 3DG, H.264 RZ/G1H RISC-V, 1.0 GHz AX45MP, DDR4/3L, GbEthernet, CAN-FD RZ/Five 1.1GHz Cortex-A55, 250MHz Dual-core Cortex-M33, LPDDR4/DDR4 RZ/G3S 800MHz Cortex-R52, 2-axis Motor Control, EtherCAT RZ/T2L 800MHz Dual-core Cortex- R52, 2-axis Motor Control, Industrial Ethernet RZ/T2M 800MHz Dual-core Cortex- R52, 2-axis Motor Control, Industrial Ethernet, OTFD RZ/T2ME 1.2GHz Quad-core Cortex-A55, 1.0GHz Dual-core Cortex-R52, Industrial Ethernet RZ/T2H 600MHz Cortex-R4, 150 MHz Cortex-M3, 1-axis Motor Control, Industrial Ethernet RZ/T1 125MHz Cortex-M3, Industrial Ethernet RZ/N1L 400MHz Cortex-R52, Industrial Ethernet RZ/N2L 500MHz Cortex-A7, 125MHz Cortex-M3, Industrial Ethernet RZ/N1S 500MHz Dual-core Cortex- A7, 125MHz Cortex-M3, Industrial Ethernet RZ/N1D 1.2GHz Quad-core Cortex-A55, 1.0GHz Dual-core Cortex-R52, Industrial Ethernet RZ/N2H 1.2GHz Dual-core Cortex- A55, DRP-AI(576-MAC), 3D-GPU RZ/V2L 1.0GHz Dual-core Cortex- A53, DRP-AI(576-MAC), OpenCV Accelerator RZ/V2MA 1.8GHz Quad-core Cortex- A55, DRP-AI3(4K-MAC), 4K-ISP, 3D-GPU RZ/V2H RZ/V2M 1.0GHz Dual-core Cortex- A53, DRP-AI(576-MAC), 4K-ISP

Product Selector: RZ 32 & 64-Bit MPUs

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Product Selector


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