The ISL28108, ISL28208 and ISL28408 are single, dual and quad low power precision amplifiers optimized for single supply applications. These devices feature a common mode input voltage range extending to 0. 5V below the V- rail, a rail-to-rail differential input voltage range for use as a comparator, and rail-to-rail output voltage swing, which make them ideal for single supply applications where input operation at ground is important. Added features include low offset voltage, and low temperature drift making them the ideal choice for applications requiring high DC accuracy. The output stage is capable of driving large capacitive loads from rail-to-rail for excellent ADC driving performance. The devices can operate for single or dual supply from 3V (±1. 5V) to 40V (±20V) and are fully characterized at ±5V and ±15V. The combination of precision, low power, and small footprint provide the user with outstanding value and flexibility relative to similar competitive parts. Applications for these amplifiers include precision instrumentation, data acquisition, precision power supply control, and industrial control. The ISL28108 single is offered in 8 Ld TDFN, MSOP and SOIC packages. The ISL28208 dual amplifier is offered in 8 Ld TDFN, MSOP, and SOIC packages. The ISL28408 is offered in 14 Ld SOIC package. All devices are offered in standard pin configurations and operate over the extended temperature range of -40°C to +125°C.
- Single or dual supply, rail-to-rail output and below ground (V-) input capability
- Rail-to-rail input differential voltage range for comparator applications
- Single supply range: 3V to 40V
- Low current consumption (VS = ±5V): 165µA
- Low noise voltage: 15.8nV/√Hz
- Low noise current: 80fA/√Hz
- Low input offset voltage (ISL28108): 150µV
- Superb temperature drift - Voltage offset TC: 0.1µV/°C, Typ
- Low input bias current: -13nA Typ
- Operating temperature range: -40°C to +125°C
- No phase reversal
- Precision instruments
- Medical instrumentation
- Data acquisition
- Power supply control
- Industrial process control
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