ISL120x Real Time Clock USB Evaluation System
This evaluation system is a hardware and software platform for testing Renesas real-time clock (RTC) devices; the system requires only a PC for the controller and power...
The ISL12024 device is a micro-power real-time clock with embedded 64-bit unique ID, timing and crystal compensation, clock/calender, power-fail indicator, two periodic or polled alarms, intelligent battery backup switching, and integrated 512x8-bit EEPROM configured in 16 Bytes per page. The oscillator uses an external, low-cost 32. 768kHz crystal. The real-time clock tracks time with separate registers for hours, minutes, and seconds. The device has calendar registers for date, month, year and day of the week. The calendar is accurate through 2099, with automatic leap year correction.
分類 | タイトル | 日時 |
データシート | PDF 1.17 MB | |
カタログ | PDF 5.67 MB English | |
EOL通知 | PDF 1.17 MB | |
製品変更通知 | PDF 152 KB | |
製品変更通知 | PDF 121 KB | |
製品変更通知 | PDF 120 KB | |
マニュアル-開発ツール | PDF 815 KB | |
アプリケーションノート | PDF 302 KB | |
This evaluation system is a hardware and software platform for testing Renesas real-time clock (RTC) devices; the system requires only a PC for the controller and power...
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