RA6M4 MCUグループ評価キット
EK-RA6M4 評価キットを使用すると、RA6M4 MCU グループの機能を容易に評価できると共に、RAファミリが持つルネサス独自のFlexible Software Package (FSP)と様々なIDEを使用して、組込みシステム向けアプリケーションを開発することができます。
PX5 FILE is an embedded FAT-format file system with a native implementation of the industry-standard Linux file API. It also provides high performance through user-specified sector, FAT entry, and sub-directory entry caches. For safety and security, it offers optional run-time fault tolerance and function pointer, file handle, and stack verification. PX5 FILE is available today on the full range of RA Family MCUs, RX Family of MCUs, RZ Family of MPUs, and RISC-V Family of MCUs and MPUs. The example code can be downloaded from here free of charge.