High Voltage Buck Converter Evaluation Board
The RAA223010 evaluation board (RTKA223010DE0030BU) is a high voltage buck converter that demonstrates a low-cost high-performance non-isolated AC/DC conversion from a...
The RAA223010 is a universal input AC/DC switching buck regulator with ultra-low standby power that features a 700V integrated MOSFET capable of delivering 10W output power. It supports output voltage as low as 3.3V.
The RAA223010 combines constant off-time control for heavy load and Pulse Frequency Modulation (PFM) for light-load operation. Constant off-time controls switching frequency above the audible frequency around 45kHz. PFM eliminates any potential noises while offering superior light-load efficiency and ultra-low power consumption (<15mW at no load). The efficiency is achieved up to 80%. The built-in frequency dithering further reduces the EMI noise spectrum.
The RAA223010 features input brownout protection that prevents input circuitry from overcurrent at low input voltage. The device also features hiccup protections for output fault conditions such as short-circuit, overload, overvoltage, and open feedback.
The RAA223010 is available in a small 7 Ld SOIC package.
分類 | タイトル | 日時 |
データシート | PDF 2.54 MB | |
カタログ | PDF 10.21 MB | |
カタログ | PDF 5.19 MB 简体中文 | |
カタログ | PDF 6.33 MB English | |
The RAA223010 evaluation board (RTKA223010DE0030BU) is a high voltage buck converter that demonstrates a low-cost high-performance non-isolated AC/DC conversion from a...
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