Compact High-Efficiency Low Power Buck-Boost Regulator Evaluation Board
The ISL9120IIA-EVZ platform allows for quick evaluation of the high-performance features of the ISL9120 buck-boost regulator. The ISL9120IIA-EVZ evaluates the...
ISL9120およびISL9120IRは、安定化出力電圧を上回るまたは下回る入力電圧を受け入れる高集積昇降圧スイッチングレギュレータです。 レギュレータは、大きな出力障害なしに降圧モードと昇圧モードを自動的に切り替えます。 また、自動バイパス機能も備えています。 入力電圧が一般に出力電圧の1%から2%以内にある場合、VINピンとVOUTピンの間に直接バイパス接続があります。
自動バイパス機能に加えて、ISL9120およびISL9120IRはBYPピンを使用した強制バイパス機能も備えています。 このデバイスは、最大800mAの出力電流(VIN = 2.5V、VOUT = 3.3V)を供給でき、適応型電流制限パルス周波数変調(PFM)制御アーキテクチャにより優れた効率を提供します。
ISL9120およびISL9120IRはスタンドアロン・アプリケーション向けに設計されており、外付け抵抗分圧器を使用して3.3Vの固定出力電圧または可変出力電圧をサポートします。 電圧調整が不要な場合、強制バイパス省電力モードを選択できます。 このデバイスの消費電流は、強制バイパスモードでの動作温度範囲で3.5μA未満です。
ISL9120とISL9120IRは、必要なインダクタは1つだけで、外付け部品もごくわずかです。 電源ソリューションのサイズは、ISL9120 1.41mm x 1.41mm WLCSPパッケージとISL9120IR 3mm x 3mm 12 Ld TQFNパッケージによって最小化されます。
The ISL9120IIA-EVZ platform allows for quick evaluation of the high-performance features of the ISL9120 buck-boost regulator. The ISL9120IIA-EVZ evaluates the...
The ISL9120IIN-EVZ platform allows for quick evaluation of the high-performance features of the ISL9120 buck-boost regulator. The ISL9120IIN-EVZ evaluates the...
The ISL9120IRA-EVZ platform allows for quick evaluation of the high-performance features of the ISL9120IR buck-boost regulator. The ISL9120IRA-EVZ evaluates the...
The ISL9120IRN-EVZ platform allows for quick evaluation of the high-performance features of the ISL9120IR buck-boost regulator. The ISL9120IRN-EVZ evaluates the...
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スマート薬ケースは、患者の薬の摂取を確実にするように設計されています。 専用のスマートフォンアプリを使用して、自分の携帯電話を設定してリマインダーを表示したり、個人の投薬状況を管理したりすることができます。
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The ISL9120 offers designers the flexibility to cover a variety of design needs by operating from a Vin of 1.8V to 5.5V and an adjustable output voltage from 1V to 5.2V. Its adaptive PFM operation with forced bypass mode and 2A switches support both low load and high load currents with high efficiency, ensuring longer battery life and less heat buildup. The regulator also delivers 800mA current with 2.5V input and 3.3V output.
Hi, my name is Gaurav Mital. I'm an applications engineer for the Intersil's mobile power product line. Today I'm gonna be talking about a new power product solution which is going to be a good fit for wearables and mobile systems.
Wearables are becoming very popular and system designers are being constantly challenged to create solutions which are smaller, more efficient and cost effective, and Intersil is committed to be a leader in providing solutions for these products.
A typical power solution for a wearable device uses three DC/DC regulators and three to five LDOs depending on the number of applications. As you can see, Intersil's existing power solutions caters to all blocks but we identified a couple of opportunities where using a buck-boost can be more efficient.
How does the buck-boost add value to the system? A lithium-ion battery voltage varies from 4.2V down to 2.7V. For a system which requires 3.3V, a buck-boost regulator helps in utilizing broader range of the battery.
Also, multiple applications in the mobile are powered by the LDOs like the Wi-Fi and the LCD module which gives buck-boost an edge as it provides better efficiency in these conditions.
When the VBAT is near 3.3V, a burst current can cause local node voltage to droop to 2.7V which may shut down the application and this can also be avoided by using a buck-boost regulator.
I'm excited to share that Intersil has developed a new compact, highly efficient, low powered buck-boost regulator ideal for wearable and hand-held applications, the ISL9120.
The ISL9120 operates from 1.8V to 5.5V. The output voltage is adjustable from 1V to 5.2V which provides flexibility to cover a variety of design needs. The adaptive PFM operation helps in getting excellent efficiency and low output ripple. This part is capable of delivering 800mA current with 2.5V in and 3.3V out. It is offered in a 1.4mm x 1.4mm chip scale package.
The ISL9120 offers excellent efficiency for both low load and high load conditions. The adaptive PFM operation helps in attaining up to 98% efficiency at higher loads and more than 86% at lower load conditions. This ensures less power drain and less heat build up which extends the battery life and saves board space by eliminating the need for external heat sinks.
During a systems stay alive condition where regulation is not a must, the power can be put in force bypass mode in which the power consumption reduces to ultra-low quiescent current of less than 0.5μA. As the part is only 1.4mm x 1.4mm, the overall solution size is very small. This helps in getting a very competitive price solution.
The 98% efficiency, low power consumption and ultra-small PCB footprint, the ISL9120 simplifies design and extends battery life. The wide input and output voltage range provides flexibility to cover a variety of design needs.
To order samples, eval boards or download a datasheet, please visit the ISL9120 product page. Thank you for watching.
How to Conserve Battery Power in IoT Devices | ブログ | 2020年10月12日 |