The ISL8272MEVAL2Z evaluation board has three ISL8272M modules connected in a current sharing configuration to deliver 150A of continuous output current. This evaluation board comes with placeholders for pin-strap resistors to adjust output voltage, soft-start timing, input UVLO threshold, control loop response, current sharing configurations, and device PMBus address. More configurations, such as Digital-DC (DDC) bus configuration and fault limits can be easily programmed or changed via the PMBus compliant serial bus interface.
The ISL8272M is a 50A step-down DC/DC power supply module with an integrated digital PWM controller, dual-phase synchronous power switches, inductors, and passives. Only input, output capacitors and minimal passives are needed to finish the design. The 50A of continuous output current can be delivered without a need for airflow or heatsink.
- VIN range of 4.5V to 14V, VOUT adjustable from 0.6V to 5V
- Programmable VOUT, VOUT droop, margining, input and output UVP/OVP, IOUT limit, OTP/UTP, soft-start, sequencing, and external synchronization
- Monitor: VIN, VOUT, IOUT, temperature, duty cycle, switching frequency, and faults
- ChargeMode™ control tunable with PMBus
- Output FETs for load transient response evaluation
- Mechanical switch for enable and power-good LED indicator
- Server, telecom, storage, and datacom
- Industrial/ATE and networking equipment
- General purpose power for ASIC, FPGA, DSP, and memory
分類 | タイトル | 日時 |
マニュアル-開発ツール | PDF 2.13 MB | |
ガイド | PDF 4.68 MB | |
ガイド | PDF 714 KB | |
データシート | PDF 2.88 MB | |
Software title
Software type
PowerNavigatorソフトウェア PowerNavigatorソフトウェアにより、USBインタフェースのPC上で、複数のデジタルDCデバイスへの設定とモニタリングを容易にできます。
Monitor Debugger/RAM Monitor | ルネサス |