The ISL6719 is a low cost linear regulator for generating a low voltage bias supply from intermediate distributed voltages commonly used in telecom and datacom applications. It provides a single adjustable output rated at 100mA from either the input source or an auxiliary source such as a transformer winding. The auxiliary source is selected whenever it has sufficient voltage to sustain the output. The ISL6719 may be used as a start-up or a continuous low power regulator. When operating as a start-up regulator, it is capable of sourcing 100mA from a 100V source for short durations. This period of time allows the power supply to start-up and provide an alternate power source, such as the output of a transformer winding, to the AUXIN input. This allows the regulated output to operate from a lower source voltage to minimize power loss.
- 100V+ input capability
- Adjustable output from 1.5V to 20V
- Up to 100mA output current
- Overcurrent protection
- Over-temperature protection
- ENABLE and ENABLE_N inputs
- Package compliant with IPC2221A, creepage and clearance spacing requirements
- Telecom/datacom DC/DC converters
- Low power bias supplies
分類 | タイトル | 日時 |
データシート | PDF 533 KB | |
カタログ | PDF 13.27 MB English | |
EOL通知 | PDF 603 KB | |
マニュアル-開発ツール | PDF 2.51 MB | |
製品変更通知 | PDF 199 KB | |
アプリケーションノート | PDF 509 KB | |
アプリケーションノート | PDF 397 KB | |
マニュアル-開発ツール | PDF 2.20 MB | |
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