The HS-565BEH is a fast, radiation hardened 12-bit current output, digital-to-analog converter. This part replaced the HS-565ARH, which is no longer available. The monolithic chip include a precision voltage reference, thin-film R-2R ladder, reference control amplifier, and twelve high-speed bipolar current switches. The Intersil Dielectric Isolation process provides latch-up free operation while minimizing stray capacitance and leakage currents, to produce an excellent combination of speed and accuracy. Also, ground currents are minimized to produce a low and constant current through the ground terminal, which reduces error due to code-dependent ground currents. The HS-565BEH die are laser trimmed for a maximum integral nonlinearity error of ±0. 25 LSB at +25 °C. In addition, the low noise buried zener reference is trimmed both for absolute value and minimum temperature coefficient. Specifications for Rad Hard QML devices are controlled by the Defense Supply Center in Columbus (DSCC). The SMD numbers listed here must be used when ordering. Detailed Electrical Specifications for these devices are contained in SMD 5962-96755.
- Electrically screened to SMD # 5962-96755
- QML qualified per MIL-PRF-38535 requirements
- Total dose: 100krad (Si) (Max)
- DAC and reference on a single chip
- Pin compatible with AD-565A and HI-565A
- Very high speed: Settles to 0.50 LSB in 500ns Max
- Monotonicity guaranteed over temperature
- 0.50 LSB Max nonlinearity guaranteed over temperature
- Low gain drift (Max., DAC plus reference): 50ppm/°C
- ±0.75 LSB accuracy guaranteed over temperature (±0.125 LSB Typical at +25 °C)
- High-speed A/D converters
- Precision instrumentation
- Signal reconstruction
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