The Radiation Hardened HS-4423RH, HS-4423EH, HS-4423BRH, HS-4423BEH are inverting, dual, monolithic high-speed MOSFET drivers designed to convert TTL level signals into high current outputs at voltages up to 18V. The inputs of these devices are TTL compatible and can be directly driven by our HS-1825ARH PWM device or by our ACS/ACTS and HCS/HCTS type logic devices. The fast rise times and high current outputs allow very quick control of high gate capacitance power MOSFETs in high-frequency applications. The high current outputs minimize power losses in MOSFETs by rapidly charging and discharging the gate capacitance. The output stage incorporates a low voltage lock-out circuit that puts the outputs into a three-state mode when the supply voltage drops below 10V for the HS-4423RH, HS-4423EH and 7.5V for the HS-4423BRH and HS-4423BEH. Constructed with the Intersil dielectrically isolated Rad Hard Silicon Gate (RSG) BiCMOS process, these devices are immune to Single Event Latch-up and have been specifically designed to provide highly reliable performance in harsh radiation environments.
- Electrically screened to DLA SMD # 5962-99511
- QML qualified per MIL-PRF-38535 requirements
- EH version acceptance tested to 50krad(Si) (LDR)
- Radiation environment
- High dose rate (50-300rad(Si)/s): 300krad(Si)
- Latch-up immune
- Low dose rate immune
- IPEAK: >2A (typ)
- Matched rise and fall times (CL = 4300pF):75ns (max)
- Low voltage lock-out feature
- HS-4423RH, HS-4423EH: <10.0V
- HS-4423BRH, HS-4423BEH: <7.5V
- Wide supply voltage range: 12V to 18V
- Prop delay: 250ns (max)
- Consistent delay times with VCC changes
- Low power consumption
- 40mW with inputs high
- 20mW with inputs low
- Low equivalent input capacitance: 3.2pF (typ)
- ESD protected: 4000V
- Switching power supplies
- DC/DC converters
- Motor controllers
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