The Radiation Hardened ISL74422ARH is a non-inverting, monolithic high-speed MOSFET driver designed to convert a CMOS level input signal into a high current output at voltages up to 18V. Its fast rise times and high current output allow very quick control of even the largest power MOSFETs in high frequency applications. The input of the ISL74422ARH can be directly driven by our HS-1825ARH and IS-1845ASRH PWM devices. The 9A high current output minimizes power losses in MOSFETs by rapidly charging and discharging high gate capacitances. Constructed with the Intersil dielectrically isolated Rad Hard Silicon Gate (RSG) BiCMOS process, these devices are immune to Single Event Latch-up and have been specifically designed to provide highly reliable performance in harsh radiation environments. Specifications for Rad Hard QML devices are controlled by the Defense Supply Center in Columbus (DSCC). The SMD numbers listed here must be used when ordering. Detailed Electrical Specifications for these devices are contained in SMD 5962-01521.
- QML qualified per MIL-PRF-38535 requirements
- Electrically screened to DSCC SMD # 5962-01521
- Radiation environment
- Total dose (Max): 300krad(SI)
- Latch-up immune
- IPEAK: 9A(Min)
- TF (CL = 10,000pF): 70ns(Typ); 90ns(Max)
- TR (CL = 10,000pF): 90ns(Typ); 105ns(Max)
- Prop delay high-low (CL = 10,000pF): 75ns(Max), 55ns(Typ)
- Prop delay low-high (CL = 10,000pF): 50ns(Max), 30ns(Typ)
- Consistent delay times with VCC changes
- Wide supply voltage range: 7V to 18V
- Low standby power consumption
- Input low: <2mW(Max)
- Inputs high: <18mW(Max)
- ESD protected: >1750V
- Switching power supplies
- DC/DC converters
- Motor controllers
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