


The PTX100W Near Field Communication (NFC) wireless charging IC can achieve its class-leading output power thanks to its patented sine wave architecture. With the elimination of the EMC filter, a lower antenna matching impedance can be achieved, which is two times lower compared with the conventional solution. These two features enable the PTX100W NFC charger to drive much higher power through an NFC antenna than existing NFC ICs while minimizing the power losses introduced by external components.

The PTX100W supplies up to 1W to the listener battery. It is the industry's first dedicated NFC transmitter for wireless charging applications alongside data communication.

PTX100W is a powerful and efficient NFC transmitter system-on-chip for use in wireless charge devices for consumer applications.

Its RF architecture enables NFC wireless charging solutions for devices with smaller antenna and larger battery capacity compared to the existing solutions.


  • Industry best output power, harvesting 1W on the listener, enabling fast charging
  • Innovative sine wave transmitter for Direct Antenna Connection (DiRAC™)
  • Superior RF performance enables small antenna design and allows flexible placement of charger and device antennas
  • On-chip processing of foreign object detection (FOD) and time-critical commands
  • Accurate digital wave shaping for enhanced data communication and interoperability while in charging mode



  • Smart rings
  • Smart glasses
  • Fitness trackers
  • Smart watches
  • Medical devices
  • Headsets


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PTX100W NFC Wireless Charging Solution

When someone says “Wireless Charging” – Qi technology instantly comes to mind. But what if we tell you that the wireless charging world is on the verge of yet another innovation? NFC has been around for the last 20+ years, but it is only now that it is being considered for wirelessly charging small battery-powered devices. Renesas provides you with an innovative and dedicated NFC controller to do that!

PTX100W is the industry's first dedicated NFC IC for NFC wireless charging and it brings unpatched benefits to the charging system. In addition, Renesas cares not only about the transmitter side of the system but also about the receiver side by providing a complete system reference implementation in a sleek wireless charging evaluation kit.

In this video, we present to you the benefits that PTX100W brings to the NFC Wireless Charging world and what can be achieved by using our NFC IC.

Learn more about the innovative PTX100W and the evaluation kit for NFC Wireless Charging.