RAA210130 Evaluation Board
The RTKA210130DE0020BU is the evaluation board for RAA210130, which is a 30A synchronous step-down DC/DC converter power module with integrated digital PWM controller,...
The RAA210130 is a fully PMBus enabled DC/DC step-down power supply capable of delivering up to 30A of current from a compact 10mm × 13mm × 7.8mm thermally enhanced BGA package.
Operating across an input voltage range of 4.75V to15V, the RAA210130 offers adjustable output voltages down to 0.45V and achieves up to 96% efficiency. The RAA210130 implements the proprietary Renesas digital synthetic current modulation scheme to achieve an industry-leading combination of transient response, ease of tuning, and efficiency across the full load range. With minimal external components, simple configuration, robust fault management, and highly accurate regulation capability, implementing a high-performance regulator has never been easier.
A standard PMBus interface with PMBus V1.3 compatibility facilitates device configuration, addresses sequencing and fault management, provides real-time full telemetry and point-of-load monitoring, and detailed fault reporting. All of these features are conveniently accessible through the PowerNavigator™ software tool.
A fully customizable cycle-by-cycle current (peak overcurrent and peak undercurrent limit), voltage, and temperature protection scheme is capable of latching off or restarting the output in response to system faults.
Software title
Software type
PowerNavigatorソフトウェア PowerNavigatorソフトウェアにより、USBインタフェースのPC上で、複数のデジタルDCデバイスへの設定とモニタリングを容易にできます。
Monitor Debugger/RAM Monitor | ルネサス |
The RTKA210130DE0020BU is the evaluation board for RAA210130, which is a 30A synchronous step-down DC/DC converter power module with integrated digital PWM controller,...
RTKA210130DE0010BU is a socket board used for programming the RAA210130. This board is to be used together with the ISLUSBEVAL1Z dongle and USB cable for connection...
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An overview of Renesas’ digital and analog power module lineup, which is designed to have excellent efficiency, output voltage accuracy and transient response in an optimized solution size. The RRM12120 and RAA210130 digital power modules are designed for high current applications (20A and 30A, respectively) while mini modules RAA210030 and RAA210040 target low current applications requiring an extremely small form factor.