The ISL28113, ISL28213 and ISL28413 are single, dual and quad channel general purpose micropower, rail-to-rail input and output operational amplifiers with supply voltage range of 1. 8V to 5. 5V. Key features are a low supply current of 130µA maximum per channel at room temperature, a low bias current and a wide input voltage range, which enables the ISL28x13 devices to be excellent general purpose operational amplifiers for a wide range of applications. The ISL28113 is available in the SC70-5 and SOT23-5 packages, the ISL28213 is in the MSOP8, SOIC8, SOT23-8 packages and the ISL28413 is in the TSSOP14, SOIC14 packages. All devices operate across the extended temperature range of -40°C to +125°C.
- Low current consumption: 130µA
- Wide supply range: 1.8V to 5.5V
- Gain bandwidth product: 2MHz
- Input bias current: 20pA, Max.
- Operating temperature range: -40°C to +125°C
- Packages
- ISL28113 (Single): SC70-5, SOT23-5
- ISL28213 (Dual): MSOP8, SOIC8, SOT23-8
- ISL28413 (Quad): SOIC14, TSSOP14
- Power supply control/regulation
- Process control
- Signal gain/buffers
- Active filters
- Current shunt sensing
- Trans-impedance amps
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