


Connected devices are constantly evolving. New generations appear that are smarter, more full-featured and have longer battery lifetimes. To enable this, SmartBond™ has evolved too. SmartBond 5.0 is smarter, more flexible, and even lower power. The DA14585 offers designers all the benefits of the industry-leading DA1458x but with even greater flexibility to create more advanced applications from the smallest footprints and power budgets.

As part of the SmartBond family, the DA14585 is one of the smallest, lowest power and most integrated Bluetooth® solutions available. This versatile system-on-chip (SoC) is ideal for adding Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) to products like remote controls, proximity tags, beacons, connected medical devices, and smart home nodes. It supports all Bluetooth developments up to Bluetooth 5. Plus, with 96kB of RAM, the DA14585 has double the memory for user applications of its predecessor to take full advantage of the standard's features. It also includes an integrated microphone interface for voice support at low additional cost. The wide supply voltage range (0.9V to 3.6V) covers a larger choice of energy sources and gives full design flexibility.

Like all SmartBond solutions, the DA14585 is easy to design-in and supports standalone as well as hosted applications. It is supported by a complete development environment and the SmartSnippets™ software that helps you optimize your software for power consumption.


  • Large memory to build complex applications
  • Longest battery life
  • Low system Bill of Materials (BOM)


  • QFN-40 (5.0mm x 5.0mm x 0.9mm)
  • WLCSP-34 (2.4mm x 2.66mm x 0.39mm)


  • Complies to the Bluetooth 5 core specification
  • Integrated One-Time-Programmable (OTP) memory
  • Extended user RAM (96kB)
  • Low operating voltage (1.8V to 3.6V)
  • I2C and pulse density modulation (PDM) audio interfaces



  • Remote controls
  • Proximity tags and trackers
  • Beacons
  • Connected medical devices
  • Smart home
  • Human interface devices
  • VR controllers
  • Connected sensors
  • Wireless charging





Software title
Software type
SmartBond™ - CodeLess™ AT Commands
The SmartBond™ CodeLess AT Commands platform enables control of the Bluetooth® Low Energy connectivity, sensor read-out and battery check of the device.
IDE and Coding Tool ルネサス
TileLib for DA14585
Any devices with Tile's technology embedded will work with the Tile app to allow customers to keep track of their item(s), and leverage the Tile community to help locate the things that matter to them most.
Imaging ルネサス
SmartBond™ Development Tools
SmartSnippets™ Studio is a royalty-free software development platform for SmartBond™ devices.
Software Package ルネサス
SmartBond™ Flash Programmer
The Renesas SmartBond™ Flash Programmer tool lets the user program a flash device for the DA1453x, DA1458x, DA1469x, and DA14592 SoCs.
Software Package ルネサス
Serial Port Service (SPS)
The Serial Port Service (SPS) emulates serial cable communication.
Emulator ルネサス
Renesas Bluetooth® Low Energy Mobile Application Suite
Renesas’ comprehensive collection of Bluetooth® Low Energy mobile applications: SmartBond, SmartConfig, SmartConsole, SmartTags, and SUOTA
Software Package ルネサス
統合開発環境 e² studio
Eclipseベース ルネサス統合開発環境 [Support MCU/MPU: RA, RE, RX, RL78, RH850, Renesas Synergy, RZ]
IDE and Coding Tool ルネサス


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Diagram of ECAD Models
