RX Family Software – The Past and the Future - #9 -- Design IoT latest provisioning scheme with RX MCU --

RXファミリのソフトウェアの歴史と今後の展望 #9 -Design IoT latest provisioning scheme with RX MCU--

アプリケーションをローコード・ノーコードで開発いただくことを目指してRenesasが開発・提供する32bit MCU RX用ソフトウェア群の歴史と展望をシリーズで紹介。9回目はIoT機器の最新プロビジョニング方式の紹介です。

How to Achieve High Efficiency and Miniaturization in Motor Applications



Let's Make a Game Using a Microcontroller - Part 1


RL78/G23マイコンを使用して、モグラつかみゲームを作成し、Fast Prototyping Boardを用いると如何にスムーズに開発を進められるかをアピールします。

Environmental Sensors Are at the Core of Evolving Indoor Air Quality Standards



Renesas MPU mobile app

You can easily find out Renesas MPU anytime, anywhere with mobile app!

MPU Guide app allows you to find out the best matching product from our RZ microprocessors product family and access our RZ MPU community from your smartphone.



Flexible Interface of the ZSSC3241 Enables Bridge as Temperature Sensor

Flexible Interface of the ZSSC3241 Enables Bridge as Temperature Sensor

The advanced features of the ZSSC3241 SSC enable using the bridge sensor as a thermometer for temperature compensation.

Connectivity Challenges in Industry 4.0



Power Modules Continue to Gain Adoption as Benefits Increase Through Innovation

Power Modules Continue to Gain Adoption as Benefits Increase Through Innovation

Power modules have been a great option for engineers for many years and through technological advances, suppliers are increasing their benefits in terms of size, ease-of-use and flexibility.

RX Blog: Security required for IoT devices


IoT機器のセキュリティ対策で必要とされるRoot of Trust(信頼の起点)をRXのセキュリティ機能であるTrusted Secure IPを用いたソリューションで実現