The RMQS2A1836DGBA is a 524, 288-word by 36-bit and the RMQS2A1818DGBA is a 1, 048, 576-word by 18-bit synchronous quad data rate static RAM fabricated with advanced CMOS technology using full CMOS six-transistor memory cell. It integrates unique synchronous peripheral circuitry and a burst counter. All input registers are controlled by an input clock pair (K and /K) and are latched on the positive edge of K and /K. These products are suitable for applications which require synchronous operation, High-Speed, low voltage, high density and wide bit configuration. These products are packaged in 165-pin plastic FBGA package.
- Power Supply 1.8 V for core (VDD), 1.4 V to VDD for I/O (VDDQ)
- Clock Fast clock cycle time for high bandwidth Two input clocks (K and /K) for precise DDR timing at clock rising edges only Two input clocks for output data (C and /C) to minimize clock skew and flight time mismatches Two output echo clocks (CQ and /CQ) simplify data capture in high-speed systems Clock-stop capability with μs restart
- I/O Separate independent read and write data ports with concurrent transactions 100% bus utilization DDR read and write operation HSTL I/O User programmable output impedance PLL circuitry for wide output data valid window and future frequency scaling
- Function Two-tick burst for low DDR transaction size Internally self-timed write control Simple control logic for easy depth expansion JTAG 1149.1 compatible test access port
- Package 165 FBGA package (13 x 15 x 1.4 mm)
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![Diagram of ECAD Models](/themes/kachow/src/components/common/images/ecad-models.jpg)