RZ/N2H Evaluation Board Kit
RZ/N2H Evaluation Board Kitは、RZ/N2H MPUの評価・開発キットです。オンボードエミュレータを搭載しているので、付属のケーブルをPCに接続するだけで評価を開始できます。ギガビットイーサネットPHY、不揮発性メモリ、LPDDR4メモリなど豊富な機能を持つICを搭載しており...
CODESYS Control Runtime System enables any embedded device to convert to IEC61131-3 controllers. The solution helps device manufacturers develop a customized IEC61131-3 controller with the functionality they need and is programmable using the CODESYS Development System. Demo software is available for CODESYS Control for Linux ARM SL and CODESYS Development System. The Control Runtime System solution is available for Renesas RZ/N, RZ/T, RZ/G and RZ/V series of MPUs.