Explore the Cost-Effective Way to Support Mandatory ADAS Systems Blog Image

Explore the Cost-Effective Way to Support Mandatory ADAS Systems

This blog recaps the recent trends in mandatory ADAS features and NCAP scenarios and discusses how to simultaneously support them with minimal increase in vehicle costs.

ADAS Fast Track Solution – R-Car V3H/V4H ADAS Reference Application Blog

ADAS Fast Track Solution – R-Car V3H/V4H ADAS Reference Application

R-Carプラットフォームに提供するADAS Fast-Track Solutionが “Easy-to-Start” 、“Easy-to-Design”、“Easy-to-Integrate” でADAS開発の旅をいかに簡単にするかを紹介します。

R-Car Generation 5: OEM Scalable Solution



How to Build Together a Safe and Efficient AD and ADAS Central Computing Solution

How to Build Together a Safe and Efficient AD & ADAS Central Computing Solution

This blog explores ideas on how to enhance AD and ADAS central computing solutions with collaboration and complementary expertise.

Released the solution allows anyone to easily learn and develop security functions using RL78/F24.


RL78/F24 セキュリティRSSKを使えば難しい鍵登録データやSecure Boot のMACもGUIで簡単生成!

R-Car V3H - Energy Efficient Interior Monitoring Solution (DMS/OMS)

R-Car V3H - Energy Efficient Interior Monitoring Solution (DMS/OMS)

How to implement standalone interior monitoring ranging from a single IR sensor for strictly minimum mandatory features up to multiple sensors with premium features.

<style type="text/css">@media (min-width: 996px) { .col-lg-7.first_blog_p { padding-left: 50px; }} @media (max-width: 995px) { .col-lg-7.first_blog_p { padding-top: 50px; }} </style> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-5" style="padding: 20px 20px 0px 20px;border: 1px solid #e1e0e0; border-radius: 4px;"> <h4>Radar Transceivers: Key Components for ADAS &amp; Autonomous Driving</h4>  <ul> 	<li><a data-entity-substitution="canonical" data-entity-type="node" data-entity-uuid="d18059ba-52f0-4c58-9978-db1070c9bd

How to connect the antennas?

At mmWaves the interfaces between the radar MMIC and the antennas need to be carefully designed to avoid any degradation on the system performance. This issue of the blog will highlight some aspects that need to be considered in the design of the transitions for different antenna configurations.

Solution for debugging and profiling multiple automotive devices



 Accelerate Your Automotive Innovations with the R-Car S4 SoC Low Cost Evaluation Board Starter Kit Blog

Accelerate Your Automotive Innovations with the R-Car S4 SoC Low-Cost Evaluation Board Starter Kit

As the automotive industry is challenged to introduce software-defined vehicles (SDVs), it is crucial to have a low-cost and easy-to-use development environment for rapid software development.

Renesas participated as a guest speaker at COMPUTEX & InnoVEX 2023

当社執行役員兼共同ジェネラルマネージャーの片岡健がCOMPUTEX & InnoVEX 2023で講演

当社の執行役員兼共同ジェネラルマネージャーの片岡健が台湾で開催されたCOMPUTEX & InnoVEX 2023 Seminarにゲストスピーカーとして招待を受け、講演を行いました。